- adieulev
- akmohtashami
- albertyq
- amiltonwong
- AureliendebbasLausanne
- batermjMETA4ALL
- berkayinan
- brijmohanInria
- calincru
- dsarZurich
- eqyzou
- georgesuperman
- gowerrobertFlatiron Institute, Center for Computational Mathematics
- greysunBeijing,China
- HudsonShiUniversity of Alabama
- hxj9981
- jhcloos
- kmario23Universität Stuttgart
- kv2000VCAI, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
- liuguoyou
- martinjaggi@epfml
- mbetancorGlucoset and NTNU
- mpagliSwitzerland
- muellsenHelmholtz Zentrum Munich/ Flatiron Institute
- NicolasMaalouly
- rislamMD Anderson Cancer Center
- Saipraneet@epfml @epfl-iglobalhealth
- shashankg7UvA
- stichs
- sushant-hiray@RingCentral
- tlin-taolin@epfml
- tvogelsMicrosoft Research
- weilai0980
- wufan-homeSeattle, WA
- zhucer2003