
ROS melodic release?

v4hn opened this issue · 18 comments

v4hn commented

Hi again, it seems you did not release this package into ROS melodic yet.
Did you just not get around to do it yet or is there a specific reason?
It would be nice to see it available there!

It's been a long time since I did a ROS release. I'm not even sure I have a ROS installation around at the moment, which makes it tricky to run bloom-release.

@eric-wieser if that is the case, can another user obtain maintainer access so this can be a simple apt install? These tools work nicely in melodic and will likely work fine in noetic next year provided there are no modifications for python3. Thanks for awesome work!

I would be open to doing that, but am not immediately sure how to - granting maintenance access on this repo will not help.

I would also like to see this package in Melodic/Noetic. I am also willing to help release and/or migrate it to Python 3.

@gstavrinos: If you could work out exactly what permissions you need in order to release for me, please let me know. It should be possible to use the package today in newer ros releases simply by doing a git checkout.

@eric-wieser Sure, I will try to look into it in the weekend.

So, after a quick look, I think I definitely need access to the ros_numpy-release repo, but also to this one, in order to do some version bumps if required by bloom.

I am also eager to help migrate the package to Python3 (thus, ROS Noetic) if any changes are needed and generally offer maintainer support.

I've added you to @gstavrinos.

Are you able to do version-bumps via pull-requests alone, or does that not work well with bloom?

Hey Eric, thanks. I think it will be easier and more efficient if I have access to this repo, too. If you feel uneasy about it, I will look into the PR method you proposed.

@gstavrinos: Added you as a collaborator

Thank you, Eric. I will get into it asap!

@gstavrinos , did you make any progress regarding the melodic release? We'd also need it urgently, and if you don't have the resources at the moment, I can also release into another repository under if @eric-wieser doesn't want to host future releases in his repository.

@marc-hanheide, to be honest, it slipped my mind. I will do my best to release it in the next couple of days.

@marc-hanheide, I just made the release. We are now waiting for the PR to be accepted and the next melodic sync! Once everything goes as expected, I will close this issue.


Thanks @gstavrinos for following up on this!

Are there plans for a Noetic release? There don't seem to be any required changes for Python3. I've used the source project as-is in noetic.