Thread 1 "coin_lio_mappin" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
cimu67 opened this issue · 5 comments
from the given information it's a bit hard to understand what's going on.
Could you please provide some details on how you installed the project, what dataset you're using, what commands you're executing and about when it crashes (immediately or after some time)?
Hi, from the given information it's a bit hard to understand what's going on. Could you please provide some details on how you installed the project, what dataset you're using, what commands you're executing and about when it crashes (immediately or after some time)?
Thank you,
i installed the project locally following the readme. I used the "2023-08-08-17-50-31-tunnel_d.bag" from the ENWIDE dataset. When I executed the command "roslaunch coin_lio mapping_enwide.launch bag_file:=<example_bag_path.bag>", it crashed immediately. Specifically, it crashed when the terminal printed "[ INFO] [1715997743.198322765]: IMU Initial Done" followed by "[ WARN] [1715997743.199341554]: No point, skip this scan!".
Thanks for providing this information. I'm also running on 20.04 with noetic and eigen 3.3.7, and other people also seemed to have no issues with this setup. Unfortunately, since I don't know where exactly the code crashes on your system it's hard to provide more help.
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ect locally following the readme. I used the "2023-08-08-17-50-31-tunnel_d.bag" from the ENWIDE dataset. When I executed the command "roslaunch coin_lio mapping_enwide.launch bag_file:=<example_bag_path.bag>", it crashed immediately. Specifically, it crashed when the terminal printed "[ INFO] [1715997743.198322765]: IMU Initial Done" followed by "[ WARN] [1715997743.199341554]: No point, skip this scan!".
I am facing the same issue. Did you resolve this?