Open source repository for the code accompanying the paper 'Non-Rigid Neural Radiance Fields Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis of a Deforming Scene from Monocular Video'.
- alloyappleChina
- avani17101IIIT Hyderabad
- ayushtewari
- cluesbluespimps ink
- Findeton@sequentech
- fly51flyPRIS
- FrozenSilentICT, CAS
- ggsonic
- giddyyupp
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- glociks
- guanyingcCUHK-Shenzhen
- GuoShi28China
- GuptajakalaImperial College London
- hzy5000China Three Gorges University
- izzetemre
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- LesliesibbsDerby, United Kingdom
- liewjunhao
- lingjie0206
- Minotaur-CNIME,CAS
- NeuralVFX
- poorboy44Zephr.xyz
- puppet101
- quyanqiuDepartment of Automation,USTC
- rafaelperezToronto, Canada
- RoyalVane
- sanealyticsBohita
- SomeoneSergeIndependent + Aalto U, former HSE & Skoltech
- tkianai别怕失败,大不了从头来过
- tommaoerICT, CAS
- ucalyptus2Africa
- walsvidByteDance
- wolf943134497
- wuyujackNorthwestern University
- wx-bRIOS