- 4
- 7
Behaviours completion
#132 opened by piotroslaw - 2
Cyprus keeps failing at investing in arable land
#133 opened by tumblerer - 4
- 4
Kyoto UI breaking Presage CLI
#129 opened by webbo89 - 1
TradeProtocol is unpredictable
#122 opened by piotroslaw - 1
- 0
Carbon reduction handler runtime exception
#125 opened by farhanrahman - 1
Canada agent has copied code from non annex one
#127 opened by farhanrahman - 1
#128 opened by farhanrahman - 3
TradeProtocol behaviour
#119 opened by piotroslaw - 0
Carbon Absorption added to Sanctioning
#123 opened by tumblerer - 0
Carbon Absorption added to carbon Targeting
#124 opened by tumblerer - 2
Public cheaters map from monitor
#94 opened by ChrisSSocha - 10
Country strategy: buying or selling?
#89 opened by piotroslaw - 2
Class kyoto/services/Economy#updateEconomyState uses a new Random in each invocation
#120 opened by gubby - 3
NullPointerException: For NonAnnexOne Sims
#121 opened by tumblerer - 3
Yearly function happening before new targets are set
#117 opened by sc1109 - 1
Reason to leave Kyoto
#92 opened by tumblerer - 2
- 1
Test: Cheating and Reporting
#91 opened by tumblerer - 2
Test: Joining and leaving Kyoto
#93 opened by tumblerer - 13
Data: Nigers Energy Output
#99 opened by tumblerer - 0
KyotoUI - carbonOutput1990 is not added from UI
#118 opened by tumblerer - 0
Emissions Target too low
#109 opened by tumblerer - 0
Trade Transaction Data
#116 opened by webbo89 - 1
Re-joining Kyoto defaults to Annex 1 membership
#114 opened by oliviervg1 - 6
Emissions Target Incorrect in First Year
#110 opened by tumblerer - 0
- 0
Re-joining Kyoto defaults to Annex 1 membership
#113 opened by oliviervg1 - 2
AbstractCountry Extraneous Reporting Functions
#103 opened by Sergeus - 1
- 0
Monitor Finds null Countries
#112 opened by Sergeus - 3
Carbon Target NullPointer
#97 opened by tumblerer - 3
Single Agent that always Cheats isn't sanctioned
#95 opened by Sergeus - 1
Overhaul of Monitoring and Reporting
#108 opened by cmd08 - 5
updateGDPRate() is incredibly broken
#107 opened by n1kunj - 3
Data: Bahamas unrealistic data
#100 opened by tumblerer - 2
Country Grace Period
#88 opened by tumblerer - 1
Carbon Handler - Binary Search
#105 opened by tumblerer - 0
NotEnoughCashException, NotEnoughCarbonException, NotEnoughLandException should extend Exception
#106 opened by ChrisSSocha - 0
Add ImmutableMap as dependency
#104 opened by ChrisSSocha - 1
Emissions Target not dropping enough
#96 opened by tumblerer - 1
Ticks, Years and updates
#102 opened by georgePil - 2
GDPRate calculation
#101 opened by piotroslaw - 0
Data: Nigers Energy Output
#98 opened by tumblerer - 0
Simulation hangs on line 254
#90 opened by jjonnnyy - 0
Incorrect join/leave kyoto functions
#86 opened by oliviervg1 - 1
Incorrect CarbonTarget and Monitor services
#85 opened by oliviervg1 - 1
Moving exceptions to exception package?
#84 opened by farhanrahman