Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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Where are the notebooks for the 3rd edition of the book Deep LEarning with Python ???:
#248 opened by JuanVargas - 3
Issue with keras.utils.plot_model -- Issue : You must install graphviz (see instructions at https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/) for `plot_model` to work.
#236 opened by debdeepsanyal - 0
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Arguments `target` and `output` must have the same shape. Received: target.shape=(32, 4), output.shape=(32, 1)
#246 opened by kequeen - 2
`Chapter 11 part 02 sequence models: tf.one_hot() inside the keras model error
#245 opened by gayanlanke - 1
`chapter11_part04_sequence-to-sequence-learning.ipynb` never defines nor imports `TransformerEncoder`
#242 opened by jchwenger - 3
Chapter 8.2 convnet model (dogs vs cats) test accuracy can not achieve 83.5% as described in the book
#235 opened by shenchenbing - 2
Chapter 11 Part2 CodeList 11-12 tf.one_hot() issue
#239 opened by boyfzb2018 - 0
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Chapter 10: Discrepancy between problem statement and Keras implementation in timeseries_dataset_from_array()
#238 opened by juandevprojects - 6
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modelCheckpoints fail on colab with keras format
#231 opened by KenoLeon - 0
Ch11 Understanding TF-IDF normalization
#230 opened by intelligencethink - 1
Deep py
#229 opened by Sarashahi1373 - 0
Chapter 8 Deep Dream issue
#228 opened by moghalis - 0
Get different results
#227 opened by wytxty - 1
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Bug on code for k-fold cross val
#223 opened by jboverio - 1
Listing 7.20 Custom Callback (2nd edition)
#222 opened by steval88 - 0
TPUs with GAN example on Google colab
#220 opened by jkylearmstrong - 6
Cannot get CelebA data(Listing 12.30)
#200 opened by Jiet-97 - 0
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why appear "list index out of range" error
#217 opened by BlakeChiu - 0
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Chapter 11, part 2, cannot load Glove
#214 opened by zdjordje123 - 0
gdown --id warning!
#213 opened by ehzawad - 2
AttributeError: 'set' object has no attribute 'set_model' While executing Image Segmentation problem
#206 opened by naiborhujosua - 4
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2nd edition Chapter 12, VAE latent space sampler differences with 1st edition
#212 opened by ghylander - 0
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Mask for `TransformerDecoder` in the end-to-end Transformer (chapter11_part04_sequence-to-sequence-learning.ipynb)
#209 opened by balvisio - 0
Redundant lines
#208 opened by ayyucedemirbas - 6
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5-3 When trying to train categorization CNN in MNIST, I got UnimplementedError: Graph execution error
#204 opened by katieliao - 0
Unziping dogs-vs-cats dataset in colab
#202 opened by kriaz100 - 0
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Data cardinality is ambiguous: x sizes: 55008 y sizes: 19646 Make sure all arrays contain the same number of samples.
#199 opened by nihayahzahra - 0
10.2.5 A first recurrent baseline
#198 opened by hodfa840 - 0
Why the mini-batch size are always set as 218 or 512, with the train-data size can't be evenly divisible by the input size?
#197 opened by danli349 - 1
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Chap 07: AttributeError: 'SparseCategoricalAccuracy' object has no attribute 'reset_state'
#195 opened by bjpcjp - 6
IMDB example, why we have 1 neuron in the last layer
#189 opened by Kuaranir - 2
Question concerning training RNNs
#194 opened by PelFritz - 2
Question concerning visualising convent filters
#193 opened by PelFritz - 0
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regular spikes in loss (cats-and-dogs notebook)
#191 opened by markusloecher