Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 2sbsbsbFremont, CA, USA
- b-mandelbrot
- batermjMETA4ALL
- beartellBEARTELL
- Btibert3Boston University
- c2po
- csetzkornUnited Kingdom
- dcn01Beijing,China
- DevasenaInupakutikaSamsung
- dsoul
- fangyBeijing, China
- greysunBeijing,China
- h4ck4lifeDev.
- HackathornBolder Technology
- ilyi1116Taiwan
- jadeflonSAT
- jeanpatFrance
- jhcloos
- jortizcsAssistant Prof, Rutgers University
- lipengyu
- mahmoodmd
- mapunt
- mbertiniMICC
- mihaimaruseacGoogle
- mnarayanPasteur's Quadrant
- mujiatongNVIDIA
- nagavejju
- naonaoyhbaoxian.com
- owendallAgile Innovations, LLC
- oyevtushokMars
- roughsoftroughsoft
- tu-cao
- uwepriesDigartis
- wguo32
- zbyufeiBeijing, china