Full-Stack Web Developer | JavaScript | React | Redux | Ruby | Rails | Electronics and Information Networks Engineer | Open to work.
Microverse studentQuito-Ecuador
fherrerao's Stars
A fully responsive portfolio project, that displays the skills and the accomplishments of the owner.
Web portal of the World Globalization Trade Summit 2021. W.G.T-Summit-2021 inform about WGT summit (venue, speaker, date, etc..)
Website built with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, the user can fill in their name and their score, and it will be displayed in the left table!
The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leaderboard API service. Build with Html, CSS, JS, API, and Webpack.
Final Project from React course (Bob Ziroll @bobziroll) in Scrimba, cover all principal feature about react, like a Hook, HOC, Context and more...
this is my todo website shows information about my todo's build using webpack and served by a webpack dev server.
The project is built in HTML and CSS, is related to the coffee bean in Ecuador, you can find types of coffees and recipes that you can cook.
The project is built in Html, CSS, and JavaScript and is related to hairdressing appointment reservations, where you can choose the day and time of the appointment.
Webpack template to use as a starting point in projects.
The project is built in Html, CSS, and JavaScript is related to my Portfolio, where you can find some projects completed.
The project is built in Html, CSS, and JavaScript is related to a To-Do-list where you can add a task and delete it when you complete the task.
The project is built in Html, CSS, and JavaScript is related to a Tourism Company that offers travel around the world.
This is a repository for a book list app to store your favorite books. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This is my capstone project from my first Microverse module, a landing page for a JavaScript conference. Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Webpack.
This is my portfolio a tool where I will be showing my work. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The To do list app is a minimalist planner to organize your day. Built with: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Webpack.