Hands-on Introduction to Data Science with Python
Jupyter NotebookNOASSERTION
- anervITU
- BeniddirLab
- chasemc@evoquant
- davidnapoli
- desireesdataFrance
- dikiprawisuda
- exploidsGermany
- FReinaLeibniz IPHT
- hcjiAgricultural Genomics Institute at Shenzhen-CAAS
- HimoriKThe Wired
- jeremyneedle
- jlingfordMelbourne, Australia
- Jonah-grHochschule Düsseldorf
- julianpollmannHSD, Düsseldorf, Germany
- justinjjvanderhooftWageningen University
- Kaweechelchen@Geoportail-Luxembourg
- luigallucciMax Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology
- manika-lambaUniversity of Oklahoma, School of Library and Information Studies
- martinfilliauMontpellier, France
- mszellIT University of Copenhagen
- nfgajardoTU-Dortmund
- niekdejongeWageningen University and Research
- njmck
- PhilipbearUniversity of California San Diego
- PintarNVienna University of Economics and Business | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
- radlich
- Salt-is-leavingHochschule Düsseldorf
- sandorjuhaszCorvinus University of Budapest
- sasanj
- SimonWaldherrRUBIX GmbH
- tobiasvossen@bscbuederich @sipgate
- Twofold-OneWorld
- vishnushiri02
- volvox292
- wanderingeekBengaluru, India
- zhdsheldon