PVBS: Prairie View Browsing Solution Copyright (C) 2022-2024, Jaeyoung Yoon. (jy.yoon@tch.harvard.edu) - MATLAB-based general-purpose GUI for browsing and analyzing electrophysiology (patch clamp) and calcium imaging data - Initially developed for interpreting data acquired with Prairie View (Bruker), but compatible with any data in the following format: (Supported experiment types) 1) *.CSV (any data) 2) *.ABF (from pClamp) 3) *.XML (from Prairie View (PV)) 3-1) VoltageRecording 3-2) LineScan (synchronized with VoltageRecording and/or MarkPoints) 3-3) T-Series (of VoltageRecording type experiments) - The use or modification of this software (PVBS) is consented only under agreement to cite the developer and/or the original source code (https://github.com/flosfor/pvbs) within the body of the published work or presentation, wherein PVBS was used. - Instructions: 1) Run PVBS.exe - Stand-alone executable that can be run without a licensed copy of Matlab - Requires either Matlab Runtime (R2023a (9.14)), or a licensed copy of Matlab with Statistics & Machine Learning Toolbox and Signal Processing Toolbox - If run with Matlab Runtime (MCR), make sure to have the correct version of MCR (R2023a (9.14)) (https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html) - Can be slower than running PVBS.m from Matlab IDE, but only at startup for initializing MCR - or - 2) Run PVBS.m - Requirements: Statistics & Machine Learning Toolbox and Signal Processing Toolbox (developed with R2023a) - For a usage example: 1) Unzip sampledata.zip (, .z01, .z02) (Download from Github by left-clicking on each file name and then clicking "download", instead of right-clicking on the file names and choosing "save link as" - file sizes should be 14.2 MB (.zip) or 24.0 MB (.z01 & .z02)) 2) Load sampledata.mat using the "Load Dataset (.mat)" button on the PVBS GUI (NOT "Load Experiment (.abf, .xml, .csv)" - this function is for loading experiment files containing data and/or metadata, not for loading dataset .mat files saved from PVBS) - For additional scripts that can be used with PVBS: Scripts for PVBS-processed data (https://github.com/flosfor/pvbs_auxiliary)