Pinned issues
- 0
Relative paths for local dependencies
#3154 opened by PatrickHaecker - 0
cm6 new scopestate: function arguments with type
#3152 opened by fonsp - 0
Rewrite frontend tests from puppeteer to playwright
#3153 opened by fonsp - 0
Autocomplete inside let block not showing locals
#3149 opened by fonsp - 8
- 0
not a Pluto issue
#3147 opened by RobbesU - 2
Fix Windows 1.11 precompilation compile flag tests
#3078 opened by fonsp - 3
Cannot execute code in notebooks that were open for a while – cache gets cleaned up?
#3139 opened by aplavin - 1
Update immer import
#3137 opened by fonsp - 1
CM6: string macro with empty contents
#3131 opened by aaravlu - 0
String highlighting confused by "#"
#3065 opened by aplavin - 2
CodeMirror: function product without * after macro
#3116 opened by fonsp - 5
Bad variable parsing in comprehensions for loops
#3080 opened by damourChris - 0
Moving file during Safe Preview not fully supported
#3136 opened by fonsp - 4
- 0
Package launch not recovered on Julia 1.11
#3133 opened by fonsp - 2
Failed to load notebook w/ MacOS iCloud
#3127 opened by MarkoMekapses - 2
- 0
Method docstrings are not visually separated
#3129 opened by abhro - 10
- 1
Can't update to v0.20.3 using JuliaSimControl
#3118 opened by rzhli - 0
incorrect unicode subscript highlighting
#3117 opened by aplavin - 6
- 0
branding blocking user view
#3115 opened by nicosql - 1
can't run Pluto after updating to julia 1.11.1
#3112 opened by urigroisman - 4
Idea: guided Project.TOML editor with [sources]
#3099 opened by fonsp - 9
Bundled MathJAX?
#3094 opened by ctessum - 1
Fix index.html bundle CI failure
#3095 opened by fonsp - 3
Error with Pkg setenv nonportable between machines?
#3107 opened by rayegun - 1
Featured Heatmap notebook is broken
#3109 opened by abpolym - 2
ResumableFunctions don't work in Pluto.jl
#3104 opened by ahjulstad - 8
Pluto does not delete its temp folders
#3097 opened by donovaly - 0
- 4
Pluto crashes on closing
#3036 opened by donovaly - 8
Pluto ignores the Julia package settings
#3035 opened by donovaly - 4
- 3
Pluto 0.20: BasicREPL has no field interface
#3059 opened by BrendanHalpin - 1
- 2
Updating notebook packages without running it
#3079 opened by fonsp - 0
Overeager autocomplete for `@.` gives `@__DOT__.`
#3086 opened by haakon-e - 1
Spurious "It looks like you are developing the Pluto package, using the unbundled frontend"
#3083 opened by cstjean - 8
Binder not working
#3070 opened by fonsp - 2
Allow setting the log filtering granularity.
#3073 opened by KristofferC - 7
- 2
Option to disable retro console effect
#3067 opened by zsunberg - 3
[FR] keyboard shortcut for creating multiple cursors
#3064 opened by haakon-e - 5
- 0
multicursor support for tab-spacing
#3063 opened by haakon-e - 1
Multicursor unicode autocomplete does not work
#3037 opened by haakon-e - 0