Researcher in Automatic Control and Machine Learning at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), Switzerland
IDSIALugano (CH)
forgi86's Following
- aloctavodiaAalto University
- amuni3
- antonior92Uppsala University
- apaszke@google
- Asad-Shahid
- bemporad
- benavoliTrinity College Dublin
- bmavkovUniversité Côte d’Azur
- bnavigator
- buswaynePolitecnico di Milano
- ChristianPalaSUPSI
- dariopi
- diegoferigoRobotics and AI Institute
- gmaroni
- IDSIALugano Switzerland
- invemichele@PeptoneLtd
- JonasWeigandSiemens
- karpathyStanford
- laura-azzimonti
- MarouaneAEF
- michelucciTOELT LLC
- mjzhu-p
- mlresearch
- NixtlaUnited States of America
- paolo-guebeli
- ramalho@thoughtworks @ThoughtWorksInc
- robertobucherUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts of southern Switzerland (SUPSI) - Retired Professor
- Rose-STL-LabUnited States of America
- sawyerbfullerUniversity of Washington, Seattle
- sergio-dorado@ALSETLab
- sergiovanegLUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT)
- shaoanluTokyo, Japan
- taeoh-kimNAVER Cloud Corp.
- temcdrmPacific Northwest National Laboratory
- torvaldsLinux Foundation