
[bug] Using Gazebo `set_model_configuration` srv messes up joint_states

Opened this issue · 1 comments

During my RL training, the robot sometimes becomes stuck. When this happens, I use the /gazebo/set_model_configuration service to set the Panda robot to a free robot position. However, when doing this, the joint positions are sometimes reported to be outside their joint limits. This prevents third-party tools like MoveIt from functioning.

Why this happens is very clear by looking at the code:

this->position += angles::shortest_angular_distance(this->position, position);

Every time the /gazebo/set_model_configuration changes the joint positions, they get added to the joint->positions attribute. As a result, when the change made by the /gazebo/set_model_configuration is too big, the reported joint positions are pushed outside the joint limits.

I understand why this is implemented, but providing users with a way to reset the joint positions would be very helpful since it is a common use case.

I implemented a PR to add a set_franka_model_configuration service in #226.

See the behaviour in action

  1. Clone the
  2. Build the catkin workspace.
  3. Source the catkin workspace.
  4. Start the panda simulation roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch use_gripper:=false physics:=dart controller:='force_example_controller'.
  5. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo
  6. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo script.
  7. See the reported joint positions being pushed outside the joint limits.


This branch also includes #211 because the ODE physics engine is not stable when performing force control (see #160 (comment)).

See the fix in action

  1. Checkout the test_fix_gazebo_set_model_config_problem branch.
  2. Perform set 2-5 above.
  3. Start the franka_gazebo/scripts/ script (i.e. rosrun franka_gazebo
  4. See that now the joints stay within the joint limits.


I've recently observed an issue stemming from the changes introduced in commit 89d2571. Specifically, after invoking the original Gazebo set_model_configuration, the robot reverts to its initial position (see gif below). I adapted #226 to allow users to set the Franka configuration still.


How to reproduce

  1. Clone and build the franka_ros catking workspace.
  2. Start the franka gazebo simulation (i.e. roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch).
  3. Execute the following /gazebo/set_model_configuration call:
rosservice call /gazebo/set_model_configuration "model_name: 'panda'
urdf_param_name: 'robot_description'
- 'panda_joint2'
- 'panda_joint3'
- 0
- 0.5"
  1. See the panda robot being set to the desired position and directly returning to the position before the service is called.