- aPonza
- byqueQuito
- carlosjosergBeta Robots - @beta-robots
- catree
- cetekeTechnical University of Munich
- ch1boSomewhere in the Alps, Austria
- cthorey
- Dens49
- dudaluLodz, Poland
- falfabBMW AG
- fwalchMunich, Germany
- golltharculus GmbH
- imitsioni
- itfanrjinan, shan dong, China
- jacknlliuState Key Laboratory of Robotics
- josephcoombe
- keivanzavariSwitzerland
- krishpopUnited States
- matthiasbockmail ät matthiasbock döt net
- mayman99Munich, Germany.
- miguelpradaTecnalia
- mlautman@PickNikRobotics
- myyerrolICT CAS
- nerovaleriussalzburg
- odellus@phytomech
- paulawiyah
- philwall3
- predmach
- Psyjoker
- rexkc
- rorromr
- SalvoVirgaTechnische Universität München
- sgablFranka Emika (@frankaemika)
- SinchiguanoCzech Republic
- sjhansen3San Francisco
- tstoyanov