
error_recovery action server accepts goals when no error is present

Closed this issue · 4 comments


System version: 5.2.1
libfranka version: 0.10.0
franka_ros version: 0.10.1
controller: position_joint_trajectory_controller


When a goal is sent to the error_recovery action server and no error is present in the robot, the goal is accepted, and when then an error happens (for example a cartesian reflex), it is confirmed almost immediately. This can be dangerous.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start all necessary nodes to run the robot including the franka_control node
  2. With the robot not having any error, send a goal to the error_recovery action server with:
rostopic pub /franka_control/error_recovery/goal franka_msgs/ErrorRecoveryActionGoal "header:
  seq: 0
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  frame_id: ''
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  id: ''
goal: {}"
  1. Produce an error in the robot. We commanded some movement to the robot and produced a cartesian reflex by perturbing the movement of the robot.
  2. In the terminal where the franka_control node was launched, checked the timestamps between the logs:
    libfranka: Move command aborted: motion aborted by reflex! ["cartesian_reflex"]
    Recovered from error

The simplest way to reproduce the error we think is the one described above, but the error can also be reproduced sending the goals from a script in python.

@HumbertoE I create a PR for fixing this issue. Feel free to take a look at it or try it out.

Thank you. We will and will report back if it fixes the error for us

@HumbertoE We merged the PR because locally we can confirm that it fixed the issue. If you still have the issue, feel free to reopen this.

Sorry for taking long to check this solution.

I repeated the experiment with the latest franka ros version (3584069) and it worked well. Now a message is shown when an error recovery goal is sent without an active error.

Thank you for the support.