
Unknown substitution command [arm_id] When using franka_visualization.launch

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I am using the franka_description package from the develop branch without any modifications to display the robot in RViz without actually connecting to the robot. I have only franka_description package from franka_ros repo and not building any other packages in the catkin_ws. Accordingly, I modified the launch file from the franka_visualization package as follows:


<xacro:include filename="$(find franka_description)/robots/common/franka_robot.xacro"/>

<xacro:arg name="arm_id" default="panda" />

<xacro:franka_robot arm_id="$(arg arm_id)"
joint_limits="${xacro.load_yaml('$(find franka_description)/robots/panda/joint_limits.yaml')}">

` However, when I run the launch file I get the following error

Unknown substitution command [arm_id]. Valid commands are ['find', 'env', 'optenv', 'dirname', 'anon', 'arg']
when instantiating macro: franka_robot (/Users/cembilaloglu/catkin_ws/src/franka_description/robots/common/franka_robot.xacro)
in file: /Users/cembilaloglu/catkin_ws/src/franka_description/robots/panda/panda.urdf.xacro
RLException: Invalid tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [['/Users/cembilaloglu/miniforge3/envs/robostackenv/lib/xacro/xacro', '/Users/cembilaloglu/catkin_ws/src/franka_description/robots/panda/panda.urdf.xacro', 'hand:=true']] returned with code [2].

Param xml is
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
I would be glad if you can help me to resolve the issue as the log file also does not point to the line that generates the error.

Thanks in advance!

I found out that the issue is related to robostack conda environment that I am using (link here) and not associated with franka_ros