
Can't use gripper in python

HHHHHHGOoD opened this issue · 1 comments


When I use the Franka gripper in Python, I import the franka_gripper.msg in the code. But it shows 'no module named 'franka_gripper'

Then I search the package in the Ros: opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-package. I only find franka_msgs. I should find franka_gripper, franka_controller_examples, and other packages if they can be used. That is why I can't import franka_gripper.

I don't know how to solve this problem. Are there any problems when I compile franka_ros?


Hello, have you resolved it? I also have the same requirement as you and would like to use Python to control Franka's gripper. Could you please give me some guidance.