
Robots keep getting "power_limit_violation" error.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @frankaemika,

I have a question regarding the "power limit violation". We tried to run our custom-made controller for the robot to follow a trajectory at a pretty high speed. Sometimes it works, however, we often get the "power_limit_violation" error.

We checked the docs and it says "If the maximum allowed power is reached, the power_limit_violation will be triggered. It will prevent the robot from moving and continuing the control loop." Can you elaborate on what is "maximum allowed power" here? What could be the cause of this problem? Can you provide any hints for solving this?

P/s: The error happens on both Franka 2 and 3 but mostly Franka 2.

Hi @trannguyenle95 ,

Did you figure out any solution for this? I'm getting "power_limit_violation" as well.

Franka panda.
ubuntu 22
FCI Active mode

Not really, in the end, I had to execute my trajectory in a slower manner.