Python Algorithms and Simulations
This repository serves as a library for all my simulations and algorithms written in Python. Included are programs ranging from a solar system and gravity simulations to a sorting algorithm visualiser. All algorithms and simulations were implemented in Python by Fraser Love - For more detail into the different programs featured here go to:
Graphics and Games
- Basic 3D Wireframe Engine (for complete 3D graphics engine see fl3d-engine repo)
- Snake implementation
Simulations and Generators
- 2D Gravity Simulation
- Solar System Simulation
- Perlin Noise Terrain Generator
- Perlin Noise Flow Field
- Fractal Tree Generator
Sorting Algorithms and Visualisers
- Sorting Algorithm Time Complexity Graph
- Sorting Algorithm Visualiser
- Sorting algorithms:
- Selection
- Bubble
- Insertion
- Shell
- Radix
- Cocktail
- Merge
- Bitonic
- Quick
- Heap
- Bucket
Cellular Automata
- Conway's Game of Life
- Predator and Prey
- Wire World
- Langton's Ant
- Brian's Brain
Machine Learning and AI
- Neural Network Handwriting Classifier
Quantum Algorithms
- Quantum Full Adder
- Quantum Half Adder
General Algorithms
- Unefficient Primes Search
- ASCII to Base64 Encoder and Decoder
- MD5 Hash Generator
- Huffman Coding Compression and Decompression
- Polynomial Constructor from Roots