
The INS is not merged.

wangyzh opened this issue · 0 comments

I am trying to merge some vcf files (containing insertion and deletion), however the result file only seems only merge the DEL, and the INS is not merged. That's why? Is it because of the coordinates of END (or the length of INS is 0)?
The command line is SURVIVOR merge sample_files 1 1 1 1 0 0 sample_merged.vcf
Here is the example of INS:
Chr03 11294245 INS449327 T TTA . PASS SVTYPE=INS;END=11294245
Chr03 11294308 INS449329 C CGT . PASS SVTYPE=INS;END=11294308
Chr03 11295234 INS449373 G GTTTGAAC . PASS SVTYPE=INS;END=11295234