
[Issue] Nan Warning printed quite often / not deactivated together with controller

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First of all thanks for implementing the NaN checks in the controller. I can finally use the controller against a mock interface without manually changing anything.

Nevertheless I think there are still some issues with the solution:

  1. Even if I deactivate the controller they are still regularly printed:
ros2 control set_controller_state cartesian_compliance_controller_bottom inactive 
Successfully deactivated cartesian_compliance_controller_bottom

Solution: Just add a check if the controller is active here:

void CartesianForceController::targetWrenchCallback(const geometry_msgs::msg::WrenchStamped::SharedPtr wrench)

  1. The 3 second intervall can be quite annoying. I would suggest using a seperate (child?) logger for the output which can then be silenced by the user if desired.

This is also related to ros2/rclcpp#2190