A set of Cartesian controllers for the ROS1 and ROS2-control framework.
Pinned issues
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Cartesian Complicane Controller Drift in UR5e
#216 opened by neuraljiaang - 7
Arm is oscillating in steady state
#177 opened by kirtan-raise - 2
Controlling UR5e
#215 opened by garg-akash - 2
Random Jerk/trembling during execution with cartesian_motion_controller
#208 opened by shrutichakraborty - 1
How to connect the controller with the gazebo
#203 opened by yuweiDu - 7
issues with teleoperation
#194 opened by shrutichakraborty - 1
[Iron] - Possible bug in cartesian compliance controller - fast rising force
#171 opened by firesurfer - 4
- 5
[Iron] - Robot description is empty if ros2control is configured to load it from topic
#179 opened by firesurfer - 1
joint position check for controller using velocity interface
#209 opened by 304x - 1
Failed to load /my_cartesian_compliance_controller/gravity from parameter server
#211 opened by clowz1 - 1
Force control on uneven surface with Franka Emika
#169 opened by albic98 - 3
tuning force controller
#178 opened by shrutichakraborty - 1
using cartesian compliance controller and twist controller in ros noetic
#181 opened by shrutichakraborty - 2
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segmentation fault
#186 opened by nihal1964 - 2
I want to use Cartesian Compliance Controller to control real UR5 robot, how to do it ?
#202 opened by jingbao123 - 7
A setup problem with ROS1-Noetic
#207 opened by clowz1 - 2
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Possible bug in cartesian_force_controller.
#200 opened by yuweiDu - 5
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Recommendation for frequency of publishing messages for teleoperation in compliance mode
#193 opened by shrutichakraborty - 2
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Get our issue templates back
#190 opened by stefanscherzinger - 2
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Failed to load /cartesian_force_controller/gravity from parameter server and Failed to load /cartesian_compliance_controller/gravity from parameter server on ros1
#192 opened by shrutichakraborty - 4
cartesian compliance controller does not seem to behave the way expected
#185 opened by shrutichakraborty - 4
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Document each controller's input topics
#184 opened by stefanscherzinger - 0
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robot_description is empty when simulating in gazebo
#174 opened by qynino - 2
How to use Cartesian controller in real UR5 to achieve motion tracking using /target_frame.
#143 opened by caimingxue - 1
[Iron] [Cartesian Compliance Controller] High stiffness values will result in uncontrolled behaviour when using ros2 control mocked hardware
#156 opened by firesurfer - 4
[Cartesian Compliance Controller] Massive issue with controller stability - if fast tracking is desired
#151 opened by firesurfer - 2
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controller_manager dies
#154 opened by atajafari - 0
Error when switching controller
#160 opened by devraise - 7
Problem with colcon build
#152 opened by student-0103 - 2
Lock force/compliance controller until a wrench message was recieved on the topic
#150 opened by firesurfer - 2
Using my_cartesian_motion_controller in gazebo, the UR5 joints start to move when activate my_cartesian_motion_controller.
#144 opened by caimingxue - 0
Meta package is outdated
#145 opened by InigoMoreno - 1