
Setting up simulation in Gazebo with cartesian_motion_controller

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Problem description
First of all, thank you for this package.
I'm working on a Universal Robot UR10e. I've been able to teleop the robot using the cartesian motion controller and it works flawlessly (from what I can see in RViZ). I'd like now to have a reproduction of what happens in RViz (moving the end-effector in space) in Gazebo, so that I can simulate some tasks (like object pick-and-place). I've tried implementing this, starting from the launch file provided by Universal Robots and the robot shows up correctly in Gazebo (and the joint trajectory controller loads fine). However, when I swap the joint trajectory controller with your cartesian motion controller, the latter goes into "unconfigured" state and I am not able to use it. In the terminal I can find this error:

[gazebo-3] [INFO] [1701122711.743714910] [gazebo_ros2_control]: Loaded gazebo_ros2_control.
[gazebo-3] [INFO] [1701122711.789006800] [controller_manager]: Loading controller 'cartesian_motion_controller'
[gazebo-3] [INFO] [1701122711.800404981] [controller_manager]: Setting use_sim_time=True for cartesian_motion_controller to match controller manager (see ros2_control#325 for details)
[spawner-5] [INFO] [1701122711.804800088] [spawner_cartesian_motion_controller]: Loaded cartesian_motion_controller
[gazebo-3] [INFO] [1701122711.805252525] [controller_manager]: Configuring controller 'cartesian_motion_controller'
[gazebo-3] [ERROR] [1701122711.809993187] [cartesian_motion_controller]: robot_description is empty
[gazebo-3] [WARN] [1701122711.810205463] [cartesian_motion_controller]: Error occurred while doing error handling.
[gazebo-3] [ERROR] [1701122711.810232888] [controller_manager]: After configuring, controller 'cartesian_motion_controller' is in state 'unconfigured' , expected inactive.
[spawner-5] [ERROR] [1701122711.810626414] [spawner_cartesian_motion_controller]: Failed to configure controller

The error robot_description is empty in particular is what caught my attention: I think the controller isn´t properly getting the URDF description of the robot from the robot_description topic. I verified the topic was correctly echoing the robot description, and it did, but I haven't been able to fix this problem. I don't have this problem with the "default" joint trajectory controller.

I could be wrong, but I thought this had to do with the fact that while for the RViZ teleop I actually passed the robot_description to the ur_ros2_control_node (I've used your starting UR script to do so), here I didn't do so, because what is starting the controller is the gazebo_ros2_control inside the URDF from Universal Robots (which I pass the cartesian_motion_controller to, as a parameter):

<xacro:if value="$(arg sim_gazebo)">
    <!-- Gazebo plugins -->
    <gazebo reference="world">
      <plugin filename="libgazebo_ros2_control.so" name="gazebo_ros2_control">
        <parameters>$(arg simulation_controllers)</parameters>

This is my launch file (simplified version omitting, among the others, parameters definitions):

robot_description_content = Command(
            " ",
                [FindPackageShare(description_package), "urdf", description_file]
            " ",
            " ",
            " ",
            " ",
            " ",
            " ",
    robot_description = {"robot_description": robot_description_content}

    robot_state_publisher_node = Node(
        parameters=[{"use_sim_time": True}, robot_description],

    rviz_node = Node(
        arguments=["-d", rviz_config_file],

    joint_state_broadcaster_spawner = Node(
        arguments=["joint_state_broadcaster", "--controller-manager", "/controller_manager"],

    # Workaround to launch Gazebo, due to issue: https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/issues/1050
    gazebo = ExecuteProcess(
        cmd=['gazebo', '--verbose', '-s', 'libgazebo_ros_factory.so'],
    gazebo_spawn_robot = Node(
        arguments=["-entity", "ur", "-topic", "robot_description"]

    cartesian_motion_controller_spawner = Node(
        arguments=["cartesian_motion_controller", "--controller-manager", "/controller_manager"],

    nodes_to_start = [

    return nodes_to_start

Software versions

  • Commit: 9682c7199c8f48e8793c6fa03cb43324d4c81dee
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • ROS version: ROS2 Humble
  • Robot: Universal Robot UR10e

Expected behavior
Loading cartesian motion controller and be able to use it to control the arm inside Gazebo, as I do in RViZ.

Thank you.

Update 29/11
Looking at the source code of the controller, I think I understood the problem. The controller expects the robot_description as a parameter: in fact, it seems that it's not reading it from the /robot_description topic. It seems this is going deprecated, and I'm looking for a way to pass it as a param or another way to launch it using the gazebo ros2 control library.

Update 05/12
I've been able to move the robot in Gazebo Ignition. To do so, I've added a subscription (local transient) in the controller code to the robot_description topic (so that it gets fetched from robot_state_publisher node) and made the following remapping under the plugin in the URDF file:
I don't know if this approach is optimal, but it's working. If it is correct, I'll be happy to share the code.

Thanks @fornaroale

It's a parameter at the moment, yes. I'll have to check what the most recent (recommended) policy is for fetching the robot_description inside ROS2 controllers..

I got same problem when simulating in gazebo . After following your sollution, it is still not working. Can you share your code with me? @fornaroale Thank you

I got same problem when simulating in gazebo . After following your sollution, it is still not working. Can you share your code with me? @fornaroale Thank you

It is on my Github, here. Please be aware that it could be not the best solution/the right way to make it work, especially in terms of best practices.

I got same problem when simulating in gazebo . After following your sollution, it is still not working. Can you share your code with me? @fornaroale Thank you

It is on my Github, here. Please be aware that it could be not the best solution/the right way to make it work, especially in terms of best practices.

thanks for your reply. can i ask one more question: how can you get data feedback from gazebo to the controller?

Hi, @qynino

Are you able to get data feedback from gazebo finally?
