
using cartesian compliance controller and twist controller in ros noetic

shrutichakraborty opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello @fmauch ! I would like to use the Cartesian compliance controller with ros1 with the aim of reducing the stiffness of the robot (to make it more compliant). However, I need to be able to send twist message to the robot at the same time. Is this possible? Or can we only use one of the controllers at a time?

It seems in ros2 for instance, that we cannot use the scaled_joint_trajectory controller at the same time as the motion_controller or force_controller. Is it the same in ros1?



However, I need to be able to send twist message to the robot at the same time. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, that's not possible at the moment.

Or can we only use one of the controllers at a time?

Yes, we can only use one writing controller at a time. They send commands to the joint handles and would interfere with commands of other controllers if there wasn't an exclusive ownership.

It seems in ros2 for instance, that we cannot use the scaled_joint_trajectory controller at the same time as the motion_controller or force_controller

Yes, that's true for ROS1 and ROS2.
There are new mechanisms in ROS2, however, that support chaning different controllers. Unfortunately, I haven't found the time to update the cartesian_controllers for this feature..