This is the official code for the IROS 2024 submission "Bridging Language, Vision and Action: Multimodal VAEs in Robotic Manipulation Tasks".
We include implementations of the MVAE (paper), MMVAE (paper) and MoPoE (paper) models.
This code was tested with:
- Python version 3.8.13
- PyTorch version 1.12.1
- CUDA version 10.2 and 11.6
We recommend to install the conda enviroment as follows:
conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate multivae
For evaluation, you will also need to install our local, adapted version of the LANRO simulator:
pip install gymnasium
cd models/lanro_gym
pip install -e .
You can download the datasets based on their codes. The codes are the following (explanations are provided in the paper):
The dataset should be placed in the ./data/lanro directory. For downloading, unzipping and moving the chosen dataset, run:
cd ~/multi-vaes-in-robotics/
wget # replace d1a with lowercase codes from the tables above
unzip -d ./data/lanro
You can run the training with the chosen config as follows (assuming you downloaded or generated the dataset):
cd ~/multi-vaes-in-robotics/
python --cfg configs/mmvae/d1a/config_lanro.yml
We provide configs for the experiments mentioned in the paper in the configs/ folder (sorted according to models and datasets).
The config contains general arguments and modality-specific arguments (denoted as "modality_n"). In general, you can set up a training for 1-N modalities by defining the required subsections for each of them.
The usage and possible options for all the config arguments are below (this is an example for another dataset called CdSprites+):
After training, you will find various visualizations of the training progress in the ./visuals folder of your experiment. Furthermore, to evaluate on LANRO, you can choose one of the two scenarios:
cd ~/multi-vaes-in-robotics/
python models/ --model modelpath --dataset 2 # specify the path to the model checkpoint and the dataset level (1-4) on which the model was trained
The code will run an evaluation on 500 trials and provide the successful_percentage.txt file in the model folder next to the .ckpt file.
This code is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
title={Bridging Language, Vision and Action: Multimodal VAEs in Robotic Manipulation Tasks},
author={Gabriela Sejnova and Michal Vavrecka and Karla Stepanova},
booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
This code is adapted from the Multimodal VAE Comparison toolkit. The toolkit features models and functions from the official implementations of MVAE (paper), MMVAE (paper) and MoPoE (paper). To generate the datasets and evaluate the models, we used an adapted version of the LANRO simulator.
For any additional questions, feel free to email