Crash when moving a FlexLayout object to another parent
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Discussed in #8
Originally posted by mikitakuzmichkin March 3, 2024
When you change the parent, Unity crashes. the case can be checked in the editor by dragging elements from one flex to another.
Crash error message:
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::logic_error: Child already has a owner, it must be removed first.
Relevant stacktrace:
#10 0x000002a50f5c78 in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gilzoide.FlexUi.Yoga.Yoga:YGNodeInsertChild (intptr,intptr,int) [{0x126a17d20} + 0xc0] (0x2a50f5bb8 0x2a50f5d00) [0x28a032a80 - Unity Child Domain]
#11 0x000002a50f5b44 in Gilzoide.FlexUi.Yoga.YGNode:InsertChild (Gilzoide.FlexUi.Yoga.YGNode,int) [{0x126a16e58} + 0x74] [./Packages/com.gilzoide.flex-ui/Runtime/Yoga/YGNode.cs :: 266u] (0x2a50f5ad0 0x2a50f5b68) [0x28a032a80 - Unity Child Domain]
#12 0x000002a50f52e4 in Gilzoide.FlexUi.FlexLayout:TrackChild (Gilzoide.FlexUi.FlexLayout,bool) [{0x2929d2560} + 0x1e4] [./Packages/com.gilzoide.flex-ui/Runtime/FlexLayout.cs :: 622u] (0x2a50f5100 0x2a50f5384) [0x28a032a80 - Unity Child Domain]
#13 0x000002a50f40dc in Gilzoide.FlexUi.FlexLayout:RefreshParent () [{0x2929d24e8} + 0x1c4] [./Packages/com.gilzoide.flex-ui/Runtime/FlexLayout.cs :: 584u] (0x2a50f3f18 0x2a50f4180) [0x28a032a80 - Unity Child Domain]
#14 0x00000319aa85a0 in Gilzoide.FlexUi.FlexLayout:OnTransformParentChanged () [{0x2929d23a8} + 0x78] [./Packages/com.gilzoide.flex-ui/Runtime/FlexLayout.cs :: 455u] (0x319aa8528 0x319aa85c8) [0x28a032a80 - Unity Child Domain]