
Color metadata & single-channel use case

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#160 introduced the population of the omero metadata specification by this conversion tool.

The new logic populates the mininum/maximum values per channel but also stores some channel metadata like the color. The relevant portion of the code is largely inherited from omero-blitz ChannelProcessor to try to set a meaningful value based on various metadata fields and invoked in

Color color = Colors.getColor(omexml, seriesIndex, c);

While testing different conversion workflows, I noticed one particular deviation in the case of single-channel image. This can be tested by

% bioformats2raw test.fake test.zarr
% grep color test.zarr/0/.zattrs 
      "color" : "FF0000",

In the case of single-channel data, the OMERO importer calls a separate setSingleChannel method which sets the color to grey instead.

Should bioformats2raw be updated to adopt the same behavior?