
Can you tell me what the name of the image file from the 【raw/train/panoramas】 data means?

wpumain opened this issue · 5 comments

For example, the file name of one of the image from the 【raw/train/panoramas】 data is:
Are the numbers after the first @ symbol and the second @ symbol UTM coordinates?
That is, are 0545981.19 and 4184971.70 UTM coordinates?
Can you tell me what the numbers after the other @ symbols mean?

Is the number 174 behind the 9th @ the azimuth of the panoramic photo?
Since this photo is a 360 panoramic photo, how to understand the azimuth of this photo?

Your assumptions are correct.
Each image is defined by its path, which contains all its metadata. The filename contains the metadata following the common format that we used in our CVPR 2022 benchmark (which is a separate paper than CosPlace) for multiple datasets:

@ UTM_easting @ UTM_northing @ UTM_zone_number @ UTM_zone_letter @ latitude @ longitude @ pano_id @ tile_num @ heading @ pitch @ roll @ height @ timestamp @ note @ extension

We used the @ as a separator because other characters might be contained in other fields (e.g. the "_" and "-" are contained in the pano_id. Note that for many images some of these values are empty.

The location of 37.811000, -122.477639 is equivalent to 37°48'39.6"N 122°28'39.5"W.
We use the same format as in google maps, so if you paste on the google maps search bar 37.811000, -122.477639 it will point to the location of the image.