- 1
where are intrinsics and exintrinsics?
#48 opened by 9796l - 2
About the training time
#4 opened by Orbis36 - 2
Issues about dataset download speed
#47 opened by dl857 - 1
Camera Intrinsic Matrix of SF-XL dataset
#46 opened by LMN1590 - 2
do image retrieval on my own dataset
#45 opened by xuxumiao777 - 2
- 3
Can't download small version of dataset...
#44 opened by rocker12121 - 8
Validation Logs
#42 opened by Shai2022 - 4
Questions about performance during training
#41 opened by Devoe-97 - 2
Question about the 'groups_num' for training.
#40 opened by Devoe-97 - 2
Peformance of Resnet18_512.pth
#38 opened by Cc19245 - 2
License of trained weights?
#35 opened by Parskatt - 1
- 4
ViT trained models
#33 opened by oravus - 8
Why is iter used here during training iterations instead of directly using the dataloader?
#32 opened by wpumain - 2
- 2
Image rotation in augmentations
#30 opened by Danessely - 7
About using the model in other datasets
#29 opened by Danessely - 6
- 5
Can you tell me what the name of the image file from the 【raw/train/panoramas】 data means?
#27 opened by wpumain - 2
How are these SF-XL downloaded from Google Earth?
#28 opened by wpumain - 4
Error when trying to use own dataset
#24 opened by MysteryHS - 2
Where can I get Pitts250k data?
#25 opened by wpumain - 2
What else do you think CosPlace can improve?
#23 opened by wpumain - 8
In the training set, the content of the picture is a house far away from the photographer, so will it cause a big error to use a close-range picture of the house to predict in test time?
#18 opened by wpumain - 7
- 2
When the model makes predictions, what is the relationship between the number of images in the query dataset and the number of database images?
#22 opened by wpumain - 2
Why only freeze layers before conv_3 of ResNet?
#21 opened by wpumain - 4
- 2
Is the UTM coordinate of the picture in the SF-XL dataset the coordinate of the camera when taking the picture?
#17 opened by wpumain - 6
About evaluation in SF-XL
#15 opened by ShihaoShao-GH - 3
Question about SARE and SFRS results (tested on tokyo247 dataset) used in the paper
#12 opened by hit2sjtu - 2
HDD may cause training to be too slow.
#14 opened by BinuxLiu - 2
About evaluation on the other datasets
#13 opened by YellowBe - 1
- 1
using multi-GPU for training step
#10 opened by rafal7466 - 3
Performance Comparison with NetVLAD
#8 opened by divyagupta25 - 1
Question about coordinate system
#7 opened by YangSooRim - 1
Question about testing image size.
#6 opened by hao-qiang - 1
Question about the number of 'group'
#5 opened by hmf21 - 2
Cannot open SF-XL datasat
#3 opened by seawavve - 1
#2 opened by xuzhuang1996 - 4
About the training dataset
#1 opened by Barry-Liang