
DEPRECATED, use nethermindeth/nethermind docker image for Gnosis mainnet and Chiado configs

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Nethermind Client - Docker

DEPRECATED, use nethermindeth/nethermind docker image for Gnosis mainnet and Chiado configs

This projects builds a customized version of the nethermind client with Gnosischain modifications. Those include the integrations with different testnets.

Images are referenced under the following pattern gnosischain/{client_provider}-{node_type}:{upstream_version}-{testnet} for example

docker pull gnosischain/nethermind:latest-chiado

Nethermind reference

Starting nethermind in Chiado testnet

  1. Create a file ./jwtsecret with a random 32 bytes hex string
echo -n 0x$(openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n") > ./jwtsecret
  1. Run Nethermind with the ./docker-compose.yml file as example from this repository.
docker-compose up -d
  1. Run a consensus client of your choice