Pinned issues
- 8
Complete installation script for Ubuntu 20.04
#242 opened by danijar - 1
C++ version problem?
#248 opened by Tsbuild74 - 1
Did you know your value of Pi is wrong?
#249 opened by Draco18s - 1
some Error no issue mentioned
#250 opened by Idolphint - 5
MacOS installation issues
#246 opened by elliottower - 2
When I run bazel run :python_random_agent --define graphics=sdl -- \ --length=10000 --width=640 --height=480 in Ubuntu 20.04, I meet the following error.
#247 opened by aalvan - 6
Wheel not supported error
#238 opened by JustinS6626 - 1
Banino et. al. Grid Cells explore_goal_locations and explore_obstructed_goals
#243 opened by jjwang01 - 2
Build fails with message about C++14 being required even with a C++14-capable compiler
#241 opened by gspr - 0
Change the speed of the agent dynamically
#240 opened by kevinNejad - 2
Problem with Bazel Python3 build
#237 opened by JustinS6626 - 1
Disable Velocity
#236 opened by Alvinosaur - 3
Bazel Build Error: no such target '@platforms//cpu:wasm32': target 'wasm32' not declared in package 'cpu'
#235 opened by Alvinosaur - 0
custom environment
#234 opened by rokhmatf - 1
How to produce deterministic episode?
#233 opened by jmkim0309 - 1
Access camera params (extrinsics, intrinsics, near/far plane) for pointcloud calculation
#232 opened by stepjam - 5
Adding "I-maze" map/environment
#231 opened by dnzrgn - 0
Failed to find function dmlab_connect in library! RuntimeError: Failed to connect RL API
#230 opened by o00000o - 13
An error occurred when running Bazel to build the PIP package script and install all DeepMind Lab dependencies
#223 opened by o00000o - 8
Failed to find function dmlab_connect in library!
#209 opened by bebbo203 - 2
Reset() environment to a specific state?
#229 opened - 4
RuntimeError: Failed to connect RL API
#226 opened by Jingjinganhao - 0
RuntimeError: Failed to connect RL API
#228 opened by o00000o - 5
ImportError: undefined symbol: PyString_Type error occurred when I was running DeepMind Lab
#227 opened by o00000o - 2
Make random maze as Capture The Flag mode
#225 opened by kimbring2 - 2
- 0
I made a mistake in the execution of command "pip install -e .". Could someone help me?
#224 opened by o00000o - 1
how to activate rendering
#220 opened by ava6969 - 3
Name change in bazelbuild/rules_cc
#221 opened by ChrisReinke - 4
- 3
Can't call `dmlab_connect` more than once in a process, disabling multithreading
#218 opened by ava6969 - 0
Extracting reward position
#217 opened by etcho00700 - 5
Build DeepMind Lab without SDL Library
#215 opened by jw447 - 0
- 4
Bazel build error for Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
#214 opened by jw447 - 3
When I run bazel run :python_random_agent --define graphics=sdl -- \ --length=10000 --width=640 --height=480 in Ubuntu 18.04, I meet the following error.
#213 opened by VolcanicSnow - 2
failed to build random agent example
#210 opened by jmkim0309 - 3
- 3
When I run bazel build // in a vitual Ubuntu 16.0, I meet the following error.
#207 opened by XqWang3 - 0
- 12
- 1
- 2
How can set the wall in the text-level
#204 opened by hecong97 - 8
Download from failed: class GET returned 404 Not Found
#200 opened by splatboydev - 0
How to remove local and distal cues?
#203 opened by jafphd - 0
- 2
Failed to find function dmlab_connect in library
#194 opened by kaustabpal - 4
Unable to build
#196 opened by Haoo9988 - 0
- 1