- 0
Switch from DEPs to git submodules?
#1079 opened by dj2 - 2
Vulkan validation layer error when running latest
#1062 opened by Zhaeong - 10
Ray Tracing support in Amber
#1033 opened by archimedus - 1
PipelineLibrary for Ray Tracing
#1038 opened by archimedus - 2
Expected values not making sense for UINT color buffer
#1032 opened by rg3igalia - 0
-ps doesn't create pipelines
#1023 opened by spencer-lunarg - 0
- 0
- 1
Build failures on linux/clang-16
#1009 opened by kuhar - 0
- 1
two tests fail in swiftshader flow on macos-clang-debug
#1003 opened by dneto0 - 0
Skip unsupported files instead of exiting
#957 opened by mvainola - 6
Vulkan CTS and --deqp-compute-only flag
#995 opened by pingpongcat - 2
ARMv7 (or ARMv6 os ARMhf) error
#972 opened by 0xD8C4A475 - 0
"end" in a token seen as END
#955 opened by normrubin - 2
SwiftShader part of the build fails
#999 opened by dneto0 - 1
How to save buffers in VulkanCTS
#996 opened by JerryYan97 - 3
#991 opened by normrubin - 1
- 2
[Vulkan Conformance] Amber creates an incorrect pipeline when there are gaps in descriptor set bindings
#989 opened by rayanht - 25
Security Policy violation Binary Artifacts
#983 opened by allstar-app - 1
Amber return code when validation fails
#985 opened by rayanht - 3
Backwards compatibility in Amber
#986 opened by rayanht - 2
SPIRV-ASM Compilation Failed
#982 opened by rayanht - 0
show Clspv error output when OpenCL C compile fails
#978 opened by dneto0 - 0
android_gradle no longer builds
#964 opened by paulthomson - 0
Add ability to use same buffer in multiple bindings
#950 opened by ilkkasaa - 0
- 0
Allow DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET and -RANGE to be used with uniform/storage texel buffers
#952 opened by ilkkasaa - 0
Add descriptor buffer offset and range
#945 opened by ilkkasaa - 0
Validation errors in some test cases
#948 opened by ilkkasaa - 1
- 4 compile problems
#942 opened by normrubin - 7
Unable to create vulkan instance
#938 opened by DerZc - 1
- 8
Support enabling ScalarBlockLayout in Vulkan
#932 opened by seanbaxter - 6
source a .spv file instead of asm
#931 opened by seanbaxter - 0
Add DATA option to IMAGE
#930 opened by dj2 - 4
Assertion using default sampler values
#927 opened by alan-baker - 3
SwiftShader emits warnings (and so fails tests) due to subgroup size control
#914 opened by ben-clayton - 3 misc. problems
#908 opened by oddhack - 0
- 0
Python warning in tools/git_sync_deps
#890 opened by hevrard - 2
- 3
Addition to instanced draw (amber script)
#870 opened by ilkkasaa - 0
Add support for compressed image formats
#872 opened by ilkkasaa - 0
Add support for descriptor arrays
#866 opened by asuonpaa - 2
- 12
How to use Visual Studio Code debug AmberScript
#858 opened by kimown - 0
Add support for uniform/storage texel buffers
#861 opened by asuonpaa