- 0
Proper ESM usage?
#59 opened by MarketingPip - 1
A suggested bug-fix for the "swap" statement
#55 opened by CharlieJV - 0
- 1
Support non-fullpage more coherently
#9 opened by flagxor - 0
Basic Anywhere Machine
#54 opened by CharlieJV - 27
[POLL] Do we need a logo?
#19 opened by flagxor - 1
- 0
Add project management
#50 opened by why-does-ie-still-exist - 7
Implement PLAY and SOUND
#35 opened by flagxor - 1
Set the input focus in the browser
#48 opened by FellippeHeitor - 1
Support the ANY type properly
#46 opened by flagxor - 0
Support EGA/VGA Text 8x14 / 9x16
#47 opened by flagxor - 4
Support nibbles.bas
#12 opened by ubershmekel - 2
#44 opened by flagxor - 1
Emulate EGA/VGA PALETTE + CGA Background
#45 opened by flagxor - 1
Key handling should match GWBASIC/QBASIC
#10 opened by flagxor - 3
Some Guidance on The Why?
#43 opened by davidshq - 0
Handle touch screen input better.
#41 opened by flagxor - 3
ON GOSUB may be slightly off.
#38 opened by flagxor - 3
- 6
Support FUNCTIONs and SUBs
#21 opened by flagxor - 16
Language Documentation
#6 opened by loretoparisi - 3
Some issues found by static analyzer
#31 opened by woongsikchoi - 0
Implement error on out of bounds array access.
#33 opened by flagxor - 5
Implement ON x GOTO a,b,c,d
#25 opened by flagxor - 5
[POLL] Shall we squash, rebase, or merge?
#17 opened by flagxor - 1
Add a copyright header check.
#27 opened by flagxor - 4
Support for BASIC dialects
#22 opened by cactysman - 1
- 1
Submit it as an NPM package
#15 opened by cactysman - 4
using online ace editor
#7 opened by unitycoder