- 0
How can I import system and region maps?
#234 opened by HMM18 - 1
Alliance Whitelist Not working for Some Characters
#228 opened by ZaxLofful - 1
ESI Error for structures
#231 opened by GrayM3rc - 0
copy-paste method add/update sys Connections (like Signatures & (D-scan) Structures info can)
#233 opened by kose2ik - 0
Map share Character w Gallente Citizen ********
#232 opened by kose2ik - 0
When using php-redis 5.3.1, get 500 error
#230 opened by SpartaWarsec - 0
- 3
- 2
[BUG] two same statics
#227 opened by Quazar2 - 0
Disable magnetize through map settings
#225 opened by SirFinnbar - 4
[Feature Request] Add classes to K162 options
#219 opened by ehawman - 5
J244 Static Broken
#193 opened by Skyl3lazer - 0
- 9
2.2.4 logo_inline.svg
#218 opened by CPCFenrir - 1
[Feature Request] Middle Mouse to Scroll Map
#220 opened by ehawman - 3
[Bug] - Ghost Sites show as Data Sites
#135 opened by barndawgie - 1
IOS / Webkit Support
#208 opened by ArnisonOrdin - 0
Map panning functionality
#210 opened by Wardjp - 1
Problem with firefox
#213 opened by Pixelest - 1
J377 (WH=>Turnur)
#214 opened by MorganKell - 10
Eve Scout Thera API is changing
#183 opened by lynkfox - 8
Drifter holes not allowing proper wormhole types
#177 opened by november781 - 5
- 1
Can't get a new plugin to load
#191 opened by Pymous - 1
Unable to login new character into pathfinder
#181 opened by piotrekdomin - 0
[BUG] Ensure compatibility with Zarzakh
#190 opened by TyrHeimdalEVE - 4
[Feature Request] Show Closest Blue Loot NPC Buyer
#161 opened by ZaxLofful - 5
[Feature Request] Alliance Maps Delete Permissions
#187 opened by vlanf - 9
Unable to access /admin/actitvity
#189 opened by Pymous - 14
Error 500 Packets out of order
#149 opened by oSkrobuk - 4
Thera Connections Not Populating
#178 opened by OrangeDrangon - 1
[BUG] Discord webhook formatting is broken
#174 opened by samoneilll - 1
error code 403
#176 opened by StarCapsuleer-dotcom - 2
- 0
WH database is not accurate, need update?
#186 opened by vlanf - 1
Update PHP deps with fixed Critical Vulns
#180 opened by yuriy-yarosh - 2
EVE SSO Auth troubles
#184 opened by Raphyon - 1
- 3
Cannot update structure owning entity
#168 opened by ecortinas - 2
Sovereignty data incorrect
#167 opened by rkben - 1
- 1
Map import not working
#150 opened by PinkKondur - 3
I want to translate into Korean.
#124 opened by jackfrost5446 - 1
[BUG] Thera Notification Spam
#122 opened by JustinGianelloni - 2
- 1
K162 Pochven Space
#142 opened by CalMatar - 1
[Feature Request] More intel Mapping options
#148 opened by FluKanuck - 2
Missing combat/data sites
#118 opened by weforgive - 4
Corp Lookup for Structures Not Working
#127 opened by barndawgie - 2
Unable to Add Other User's to CORP Map
#129 opened by ZaxLofful