- 3
arrays with nonconforming metadata fields? (causing `.decompress_chunk` error)
#10 opened by daauerbach - 1
Reading group of arrays fails for some reason
#9 opened by idaflik - 1
`write_zarr_array` duplicate path?
#1 opened by giovp - 2
Unsupported compression tool | zstd
#8 opened by jsacerot - 1
Read/writing string datasets can fail
#7 opened by grimbough - 0
- 7
problem with vendored blosc
#5 opened by mdsumner - 0
Reading fails when fill value is `NULL`
#4 opened by grimbough - 0
Can we get a Rzarrlib?
#3 opened by LTLA - 1
`write_zarr_array` is not nested structure
#2 opened by giovp