ROS package that automatically generates point-to-point cubic trajectories connecting pairs of randomly generated points. After running a single launch file you should be able see different random trajectories appearing on the rqt_plot GUI (i.e. a different set of trajectories every 20 seconds).
Download the package into your catkin workspace, if you do not have a catkin workspace, follow the following link
From your catkin workspace:
After your workspace is ready, you need to make all of the nodes executable, run the following comands from the "scripts" folder containing all the nodes
chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x chmod +x
You can now launch the package by running:
roslaunch AR_week5_test cubic_traj_gen.launch
After 20 seconds, if you run:
You should be able to see the visual representation of how the package works:
To visulise the trajectories, run: (don't forget to add position_trajectory, velocity_trajectory and acceleration_trajectory topics in the GUI)
- python 2.7
- catkin
- ros-kinetic
- rqt
- NumPy
Everything else you need to know is in the comments.
Star, fork, do your thing.