
gzserver:symbol lookup error:

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am working on ubuntu18.04.
I tried to follow your install description (README). BebopS package was built without error, but, when I executed launch file, there was a problem. I copied a portion of error message.

gzserver: symbol lookup error: /opt/ros/melodic/share/gazebo_plugins/../../lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN14gz_sensor_msgs9ActuatorsC1Ev

I found same issue, when I executed rotorS launch file.
Have you ever seen a message like this?

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Make sure that no other issues on the same topic have already been opened!

Hi @YunwooLee94! BebopS was developed upon RotorS, this is why you got the same error running the two ROS packages. This is the first time I see this error. It's been a long time since my last execution of the packages (now I'm working on other robotic simulators such as MRS Simulator), but I can suggest you (i) to check ROS installation by rerunning the installation process, (ii) if the bashrc file is set up correctly, (iii) run again all steps detailed in the installation procedure of BebopS being sure to run the catkin clean command first.

You could run the catkin clean command before going through the steps mentioned above. It may be a simple compiling error that reflects in the generation of links for the object file. I mean, try it's for free.

Please, do not hesitate to give it back to me if you have any other questions.

Thank you for kind reply!!!
I finally solve the issue. (re-install ROS and follow your instruction)
BUT One different thing was that I used the original version of rotorS instead of branch "med18_gazebo9".
Thanks a lot.