Delaunay and Constrained Delaunay Triangulations in Java, providing high-performance utilities for modeling surfaces with support for Lidar LAS files, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), finite element analysis, path planning, natural neighbor interpolation, and other applications of Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN)
- Alegriabaile
- aLLeENSmith
- bingzhenChen
- BzdecoEPFL
- ckovorodkin
- codingmiaoKunming City, Yunnan Province, China
- EliCDavisRecolude
- emrebulbul23Turkey
- endrh
- feihugis@Microsoft
- fightforLF
- geostaxPolyU
- GISerDaiShaoqingFaculty ITC, University of Twente
- hermanvandermaasNetherlands
- jkoller90New York
- kiselev-dvHalifax, Canada
- kjetisgKD
- Konstantin8105Russia, Sainkt-Peterburg
- max4
- mdsumnerIntegrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
- msakutaTokyo, Japan
- NodeGIS
- pfxuanAtlanta, GA
- pierotofyUAV4GEO
- PlainSightWellington
- polokobe@Alibaba
- RubenSchmidt@ignite-analytics
- Sekinzhang
- SinooshkaStrasbourg
- skratFloorplanner B&V
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- VezarachanElaiza
- ybtsdstChina, Beijing
- YingcaiDongGuelph, Ontario, Canada
- zhuang-hao-ming