
Missing .yml's

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I get the following two errors/warnings about missing files:

Reading labels and pose models... /default/objects/labels.yml ...done. classLabels size: 0 classPoseModels size: 0
Reading vocab... /default/objects/vocab.yml ...done. vocabulary size: [0 x 0]
Reading features and labels... /default/objects/knn.yml ...
[ INFO] [1467235755.879372303]: Console: Could not find file /default/objects/knn.yml


[ INFO] [1467236000.182796406]: Console: Could not open file /home/vmrguser/ros/indigo/h2r_ws/src/ein/default/objects/catScan5_011310P0011right2016-02-08_15:39:06/autoClass_011310P0011_right_2016-02-08_15:40:23/ein/sceneModel/model.yml

Is this normal?

These files seem to be created after the calibration routine.

Yes you can ignore these problems. I will leave the issue open though, because we need to rethink what messages should be printed.

We have removed these error messages, so you shouldn't see them any more on a clean checkout.