Missing .yml's
Closed this issue · 3 comments
rojas70 commented
I get the following two errors/warnings about missing files:
Reading labels and pose models... /default/objects/labels.yml ...done. classLabels size: 0 classPoseModels size: 0
Reading vocab... /default/objects/vocab.yml ...done. vocabulary size: [0 x 0]
Reading features and labels... /default/objects/knn.yml ...
[ INFO] [1467235755.879372303]: Console: Could not find file /default/objects/knn.yml
[ INFO] [1467236000.182796406]: Console: Could not open file /home/vmrguser/ros/indigo/h2r_ws/src/ein/default/objects/catScan5_011310P0011right2016-02-08_15:39:06/autoClass_011310P0011_right_2016-02-08_15:40:23/ein/sceneModel/model.yml
Is this normal?
rojas70 commented
These files seem to be created after the calibration routine.
stefie10 commented
Yes you can ignore these problems. I will leave the issue open though, because we need to rethink what messages should be printed.
stefie10 commented
We have removed these error messages, so you shouldn't see them any more on a clean checkout.