
high level VHDL floating point library for synthesis in fpga

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT

High level vhdl floating point library

simple floating point library for synthesis in fpga coded in object oriented style. This is a synthesizable version of a floating point filter, which has been tested with most common FPGAs

    floating_point_filter : process(clock)
        if rising_edge(clock) then
            filter_is_ready <= false;
            CASE filter_counter is
                WHEN 0 => 
                    subtract(float_alu, u, y);
                    filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
                WHEN 1 =>
                    if add_is_ready(float_alu) then
                        multiply(float_alu  , get_add_result(float_alu) , filter_gain);
                        filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
                    end if;

                WHEN 2 =>
                    if multiplier_is_ready(float_alu) then
                        add(float_alu, get_multiplier_result(float_alu), y);
                        filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
                    end if;
                WHEN 3 => 
                    if add_is_ready(float_alu) then
                        y <= get_add_result(float_alu);
                        filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
                        filter_is_ready <= true;
                    end if;
                WHEN others =>  -- wait for start
            end CASE;

            if example_filter_input.filter_is_requested then
                convert_integer_to_float(float_to_integer_converter, example_filter_input.filter_input, 15);
            end if;

            if int_to_float_conversion_is_ready(float_to_integer_converter) then
                request_float_filter(float_filter, get_converted_float(float_to_integer_converter));
            end if;

            convert_float_to_integer(float_to_integer_converter, get_filter_output(float_filter), 14);

        end if; --rising_edge
    end process floating_point_filter;	

Also includes float to real and real to float conversion functions for simple constant assignment like

float_number <= to_float(3.14);

run all test benches with vunit+ghdl+gtkwave using

python vunit_run_float.py -p 8 --gtkwave-fmt ghw

An iir low pass filter has been tested on an example project for the hVHDL project and can be found here https://hvhdl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hvhdl_example_project/hvhdl_example_project.html#floating-point-filter-implementation

There is a blog post on the bit level design of the floating point module https://hardwaredescriptions.com/floating-point-in-vhdl/

The floating point alu is also documented in https://hardwaredescriptions.com/high-level-floating-point-alu-in-synthesizable-vhdl/