simple floating point library for synthesis in fpga coded in object oriented style. This is a synthesizable version of a floating point filter, which has been tested with most common FPGAs
floating_point_filter : process(clock)
if rising_edge(clock) then
filter_is_ready <= false;
CASE filter_counter is
WHEN 0 =>
subtract(float_alu, u, y);
filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
WHEN 1 =>
if add_is_ready(float_alu) then
multiply(float_alu , get_add_result(float_alu) , filter_gain);
filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
end if;
WHEN 2 =>
if multiplier_is_ready(float_alu) then
add(float_alu, get_multiplier_result(float_alu), y);
filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
end if;
WHEN 3 =>
if add_is_ready(float_alu) then
y <= get_add_result(float_alu);
filter_counter <= filter_counter + 1;
filter_is_ready <= true;
end if;
WHEN others => -- wait for start
end CASE;
if example_filter_input.filter_is_requested then
convert_integer_to_float(float_to_integer_converter, example_filter_input.filter_input, 15);
end if;
if int_to_float_conversion_is_ready(float_to_integer_converter) then
request_float_filter(float_filter, get_converted_float(float_to_integer_converter));
end if;
convert_float_to_integer(float_to_integer_converter, get_filter_output(float_filter), 14);
end if; --rising_edge
end process floating_point_filter;
Also includes float to real and real to float conversion functions for simple constant assignment like
float_number <= to_float(3.14);
run all test benches with vunit+ghdl+gtkwave using
python -p 8 --gtkwave-fmt ghw
An iir low pass filter has been tested on an example project for the hVHDL project and can be found here
There is a blog post on the bit level design of the floating point module
The floating point alu is also documented in