A dependency-free cross-platform swiss army knife for PDB files.
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How to add insertion codes on PDB
#165 opened by Sofia-FR - 22
- 0
#163 opened by amjjbonvin - 1
pdb_merge not adding END statement
#149 opened by amjjbonvin - 8
`pdb_tidy` removes the `TER` record between chains and removes last `ENDMDL` in a multi-model PDB
#155 opened by rvhonorato - 0
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pdb_merge should discard MODEL/ENDMDL statements
#159 opened by amjjbonvin - 4
Question on `pdb_keepcoord`
#152 opened by joaomcteixeira - 6
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pdb_fixinsert can't handle the PDB, which has missing residue in insertion code region
#148 opened by hw-protein - 0
Improve `pdb_mkensemble` to work as lib
#147 opened by joaomcteixeira - 1
Implement `pdb_selmodel`
#122 opened by rvhonorato - 2
Better naming of pdb_tofasta entries
#123 opened by sbliven - 7
`ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '?'` when handling `HETATM`
#126 opened by multimeric - 3
`pdb_fixinsert` and its impact on numbering
#110 opened by aanastasiou - 6
Issue with doctools.py
#111 opened by andrewsb8 - 3
Behaviour of `pdb_selres`
#116 opened by TianyiShi2001 - 4
Possible bug in Molprobity
#125 opened by Mr-MOPAC - 3
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Help with badly formatted PDB file
#134 opened by LilySnow - 1
Migrate to GitHub Actions
#100 opened by joaomcteixeira - 3
Bug in the `pdb-tools` website
#128 opened by joaomcteixeira - 0
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improve `pdb_wc` when using as library.
#127 opened by joaomcteixeira - 1
Behaviour in `selaltloc`
#115 opened by joaomcteixeira - 1
`pdb_tidy` does not correct `MODEL` records
#118 opened by rvhonorato - 1
Consider HEXADECIMAL for `pdb_fromcif`
#121 opened by joaomcteixeira - 0
Using pdb-tools as a lib (also)
#106 opened by joaomcteixeira - 6
New tools for protein, nucleic, carbo, ligands
#105 opened by joaomcteixeira - 2
molprobity.py gives a TypeError
#104 opened by jbibbe4 - 18
sub commands?
#102 opened by jyesselm - 1
pdb_selatlloc fails on single locs
#90 opened by joaomcteixeira - 1
Improve documentation updates
#82 opened by JoaoRodrigues - 0
pdb_delinsertion - naming is confusing
#91 opened by amjjbonvin - 7
pip install does not install LICENSE file
#93 opened by Gerardwx - 2
Coot can't open the output file of pdb_merge
#94 opened by 1ut - 1
Chain selection should be case-sensitive
#88 opened by JoaoRodrigues - 9
Add chain IDs on missing chains with TER
#70 opened by joaomcteixeira - 2
input PDB file
#73 opened by fedeserral - 7
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pdb_reatom misaligning with TER lines
#79 opened by edarl - 6
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Handling CONECT entries
#72 opened by joaomcteixeira - 4
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A rare case for pdb_delinsertion
#64 opened by joaomcteixeira