Jupyter Notebooks that are part of the plotnine documentation
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- ArunNairID
- asdf8601@seedtag
- asmith26
- bckim92Karrot (@daangn)
- bosr
- chrsbatsAustralia
- corazzon오늘코드
- daniel-acunaUniversity of Colorado at Boulder
- essicoloLaval University
- eugeneteo
- eyadsibai
- feiyuxiaoThuTsinghua University
- ff6347@hbk-bs
- foodish
- gokceneraslanGenentech
- heyuhere
- huguyuehuhuHefei
- isaacgengShatin, Hong Kong
- jmbejara
- jonvitaleSchool District of Philadelphia
- lipsons
- mimizhang
- nathaneastwood@ne-data
- norman-thomasGermany
- ondrolexaCharles University in Prague
- orangeSiReforgene
- shrysrCanada
- Sisov
- surajx@socialtrait
- tianyi6625
- vdermMontreal
- vottiUZH Zurich
- XiangyunHuang@cosname
- xigrugBeijing
- zcattacz