What are the most popular libraries in the Reflex ecosystem?
Number | Name | Description | Stars |
1 | reflex-frp/reflex | 552 | |
2 | reflex-frp/reflex-dom | 202 | |
3 | srid/slownews | 🐢 Bringing slow news for the nervous among us | 65 |
4 | hansroland/reflex-dom-inbits | A tutorial for reflex-dom with small code bits | 58 |
5 | imalsogreg/servant-reflex | Generate reflex client functions for querying a servant API | 47 |
6 | dackerman/reflex-jsx | Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex | 38 |
7 | reflex-frp/reflex-dom-contrib | 35 | |
8 | reflex-frp/reflex-examples | 27 | |
9 | mightybyte/hsnippet | The code behind the HSnippet Reflex+GHCJS playground. | 26 |
10 | reinh/reflex-dom-stack-demo | An example of reflex-dom built by Stack | 25 |
11 | reflex-frp/reflex-todomvc | 25 | |
12 | bennofs/reflex-host | Higher level support for implementing reflex frameworks | 23 |
13 | reflex-frp/reflex-dom-semui | A reflex-dom API for Semantic UI components | 17 |
14 | BartAdv/elm-architecture-tutorial-reflex | Elm architecture tutorial reworked in Haskell' Reflex library | 15 |
15 | themoritz/7guis-reflex | An implementation of the 7GUIs in reflex-dom | 15 |
16 | diagrams/diagrams-reflex | 14 | |
17 | tomsmalley/semantic-reflex | Semantic UI bindings for Haskell and Reflex Dom | 14 |
18 | qfpl/reflex-tutorial | 12 | |
19 | dalaing/reflex-host-examples | 12 | |
20 | schell/reflex-sdl2 | A minimal host for sdl2 based reflex apps. | 11 |
21 | qfpl/reflex-dom-svg | Helper package for working with SVG in Reflex | 10 |
22 | layer-3-communications/reflex-dom-helpers | Element helpers for reflex-dom | 9 |
23 | 3noch/reflex-dom-nested-routing | Nested client-side routing for Reflex-DOM | 9 |
24 | ElvishJerricco/reflex-websockets | 9 | |
25 | deech/fltkhs-reflex-host | Port of the 'host' example in try-reflex to FLTKHS. | 9 |
26 | dfordivam/reflex-websocket-interface | A simple to use interface for websocket using reflex-frp | 9 |
27 | hexresearch/reflex-material-bootstrap | GHCJS widgets for reflex-dom and material bootstrap | 8 |
28 | mightybyte/reflex-2048 | A Haskell implementation of 2048 with Reflex. | 8 |
29 | Saulzar/reflex-transformers | Switchable monad transformers and collections for reflex | 7 |
30 | Saulzar/reflex-html | HTML DSL for reflex-dom | 7 |
31 | tejon/Fundament | Haskell game engine powered by SDL2 and Reflex FRP. | 7 |
32 | dalaing/reflex-sdl2 | 7 | |
33 | Saulzar/reflex-gloss-scene | 6 | |
34 | dalaing/reflex-project | 6 | |
35 | reflex-frp/reflex-dom-ace | Reflex wrapper for the ACE editor | 6 |
36 | TaktInc/reflex-dhtmlx | Reflex wrapper for DHTMLX widgets | 6 |
37 | Saulzar/ghcjs-websockets-reflex | 5 | |
38 | 3noch/reflex-dom-forms | Simple form abstractions and validation for Reflex-DOM applications | 5 |
39 | mckeankylej/servant-render | Servant + Reflex = Web Framework | 5 |
40 | TikhonJelvis/reflex-ui | A rough draft of a higher-level UI framework Reflex FRP and Reflex DOM. | 5 |
41 | ConferHealth/reflex-stripe | Integration to the Stripe client-side JS library for Reflex | 5 |
42 | dalaing/websockets-reflex | 5 | |
43 | reflex-frp/reflex-gloss | 5 | |
44 | alasconnect/reflex-material | Haskell Reflex-Dom wrapper for the Material Components Web project | 4 |
45 | ezyang/reflex-backpack | Reflex with Backpack | 4 |
46 | Saulzar/reflex-animation | 4 | |
47 | dalaing/reflex-chat | 4 | |
48 | lynnard/reflex-cocos2d | frp construct above cocos2d-hs/ghcjs-cocos2d based on reflex | 4 |
49 | imalsogreg/my-reflex-recipes | Collection of worked reflex examples | 4 |
50 | ublubu/webapp-reflex | experiments in end-to-end web app development in Haskell | 4 |
51 | dalaing/reflex-server-servant | 3 | |
52 | paldepind/reflex-examples | A collection of examples using Reflex. | 3 |
53 | 2426021684/reflex-tree | 3 | |
54 | MaiaVictor/ReflexScreenWidget | A widget for Haskell-Reflex that renders a dynamic image to a Canvas in realtime. | 3 |
55 | MarisaKirisame/reflex-fltk-demo | 3 | |
56 | dalaing/reflex-basic-host | 3 | |
57 | qfpl/reflex-dom-datepicker | A Date Picker UI widget for Reflex | 3 |
58 | deepfire/reflex-glfw | A GLFW-b adapter for the Haskell Reflex FRP implementation. | 3 |
59 | tomsmalley/quickform-semantic-reflex | semantic-reflex frontend for quickform |
2 |
60 | bennofs/reflex-qml | 2 | |
61 | MarisaKirisame/reflex-opengl | 2 | |
62 | dalaing/reflex-log | 2 | |
63 | dalaing/reflex-todomvc | 2 | |
64 | Compositional/reflex-servant | Access Servant APIs using the Reflex Functional Reactive Programming library | 2 |
65 | adamConnerSax/reflex-utils | form and layout utilities for reflex-dom | 2 |
66 | dalaing/reflex-testing | 2 | |
67 | andrewthad/reflex-cofree | 2 | |
68 | mulderr/reflex-dom-lazy-grid | Lazy grid using Reflex | 2 |
69 | meditans/stack-reflex-webkitgtk | 2 | |
70 | qfpl/intro-to-reflex-compose | 2 | |
71 | dfordivam/Reflex-Mind-Map | Mind Mapping using Reflex FRP | 2 |
72 | dalaing/reflex-server-wai | 2 | |
73 | gspia/reflex-dom-themes | Provide classname constants for various css-libs | 1 |
74 | paolino/svg-reflex-examples | 1 | |
75 | ConferHealth/reflex-mount-test | 1 | |
76 | dalaing/reflex-server-socket | 1 | |
77 | dfordivam/reflex-yesod-websockets | Toy app to try websockets with reflex and yesod | 1 |
78 | dfordivam/reflex-type-simplify | Use Hedgehog (like QuickCheck) to simplify types (and life) when using reflex-frp | 1 |
79 | gergoerdi/tfb-reflex-repro | 1 | |
80 | mulderr/reflex-snap-upload-example | FormData upload example over XHR using reflex-dom and snap | 1 |
81 | hansroland/reflex-dom-brownies | Some brownies for refles-dom programmers | 1 |
82 | dalaing/reflex-server-websocket | 1 | |
83 | gspia/reflex-dom-htmlea | HTML element and attribute names as functions that use internally el-family of functions. | 1 |
84 | no-moree-ria10/copybook-byte-reflex | server and frontend for copybook-byte. using reflex | 1 |
85 | cfraz89/google-maps-reflex | Google Maps for Reflex | 1 |
86 | mrkgnao/learn-reflex | Examples to get you up and running after you have reflex-platform working | 1 |
87 | dalaing/reflex-selda | 1 | |
88 | tippenein/common-reflex | 1 | |
89 | zudov/reflex-marbles | 1 | |
90 | lspitzner/bricki-reflex | Reflex FRP interface for the bricki shallow fork of the brick commandline UI library |
1 |
91 | mango314/tryReflex | functional reactive programming (FRP) with Haskell | 1 |
92 | tippenein/reflex-pres | 1 | |
93 | ryantrinkle/reflex-nyhug | 1 | |
94 | adrianparvino/reflex-xhb | 1 | |
95 | cathylill/terria-reflexfrp | A basic implementation of a TerriaJS map using Reflex | 1 |
96 | 3noch/reflex-dom-semantic-ui-core | A core binding to Semantic UI for Reflex-DOM meant to be a common basis for more friendly API designs | 1 |
97 | matchwood/react-vs-react-flux-vs-reflex-frp | 1 | |
98 | hansroland/FunctionalImages | Haskell code for Conal Eliott's paper on Functional Images. Instead of PAL I use reflex-dom | 1 |
99 | dalaing/servant-snap-reflex | 1 | |
100 | qfpl/reflex-dom-canvas | HTML5 Canvas Integration for Reflex Dom | 1 |
101 | samtay/reflex-rule110 | A reflex interface for Rule 110 | 1 |
102 | mulderr/reflex-dom-lazy-grid-example | Example of a lazy grid using reflex-dom | 1 |
103 | tippenein/frp-reflex-talk | slides and code for reflex-frp talk | 1 |
104 | Chobbes/reflex-GLFW-b-luminance | GLFW-b and luminance reflex interface. | 1 |
105 | gspia/7guis-reflex-nix | 7guis-examples and nix trials | 1 |
106 | dbbnrl/reflex-test | 0 | |
107 | qfpl/growing-a-datepicker | Associated posts and code for the blog series 'Growing a Date Picker in Reflex' | 0 |
108 | paolino/fsd-haskell | minimal scaffolding for snap-servant-reflex stack developement | 0 |
109 | anderspapitto/control-flow-playground | playing with a free monad in combination with Reflex | 0 |
110 | guibou/givorsDays | Reflex-FRP api to count my working days | 0 |
111 | kvey/reflexfrp-todomvc-refactor | 0 | |
112 | ayu-mushi/ghcjs-test | ghcjs & reflex-dom Sample Code | 0 |
113 | reflex-frp/reflex-aeson-orphans | 0 | |
114 | qrilka/reflex-inner-update | 0 | |
115 | theobat/haskell-web-test | testing frp with reflex-plateform | 0 |
116 | mckeankylej/ghcjs-typeahead | Reflex Dom port of Typeahead | 0 |
117 | lisphacker/reflex-app-template | Template project for a reflex webapp | 0 |
118 | marklar/Schlange | snake game in Reflex.Dom | 0 |
119 | imalsogreg/hrc | reflex-frp tracking of HeistState | 0 |
120 | adamConnerSax/reflex-sumType-utilities | split Events and Dynamics of a sumType into separate Events and Dynamics which only update when a particular constructor updates. | 0 |
121 | sidraval/reflex-form-validation | An example of a reactive form validator in Reflex | 0 |
122 | mankyKitty/android-reflex-hello | Quickie for trying out building Reflex for Android, omg. | 0 |
123 | sboosali/my-reflex-example | 0 | |
124 | anderspapitto/reflex-sumtype-render | 0 | |
125 | XtraKrispi/boardgame-picker-reflex | Boardgame Picker application made with Reflex and Reflex.Dom | 0 |
126 | dfordivam/reflex-yesod-oauth2 | 0 | |
127 | muhbaasu/pfennig-client-reflex | web client for pfennig based on reflex | 0 |
128 | mulderr/reflex-dom-sui | 0 | |
129 | paolino/servant-reflex-example | 0 | |
130 | k-bx/play-reflex-semui | 0 | |
131 | imalsogreg/reflex-box2d | 0 | |
132 | imalsogreg/servant-reflex-example | 0 | |
133 | tomsmalley/reflex-jsaddle-warp-bug | 0 | |
134 | niteria/reflex-scotty-poll | 0 | |
135 | mightybyte/reflex-dom-stubs | Stubs for building reflex-dom with GHC without gtk | 0 |
136 | trin-cz/reflex-d3 | D3 like play with reflex-dom | 0 |
137 | andreapvn/try-reflex-dom | Try out the reflex-dom Cabal package | 0 |
138 | qfpl/intro-to-reflex-brisjs | A reflex talk given at BrisJS | 0 |
139 | gspia/reflex-dom-htmlea-vs | vector-sized trials with the reflex-dom-htmlea -lib | 0 |
140 | XtraKrispi/reflex-budget-client | 0 | |
141 | qfpl/intro-to-reflex-bfpg | A reflex talk given at BFPG | 0 |
142 | mulderr/reflex-dom-plotly | 0 | |
143 | kelecorix/servant-reflex-template | Template for Servant+Reflex scaffolding with Stack | 0 |
144 | paolino/reflex-frp-snippets | ghcjs + reflex snippets I collect down the learning path | 0 |
145 | imalsogreg/servant-client-reflex-dom | Just an experiment | 0 |
146 | bartavelle/reflex-dom-bootstrap-components | 0 | |
147 | soenkehahn/wip-reflex-tests | 0 | |
148 | byteally/reflex-indexed-db | IndexedDB support for Reflex | 0 |
149 | aidatorajiro/RDWP | A functional deep web implementation | 0 |
150 | stulli/reflexEducationalSnippets | 0 | |
151 | qrilka/reflex-huge-table | Testing reflex RAM consumption | 0 |
152 | phi16/Revera | reflex-oriented puzzle game | 0 |
153 | benmos/reflex-bug | Reflex simpleList bug | 0 |
154 | thumphries/desugarjs | Browser-based program transformations using haskell-src-exts, GHCJS, and Reflex | 0 |
155 | adamConnerSax/generics-sop-utility-core | Core functions (matching what is likely to go into reflex) for generics-sop dmap and distribute utils | 0 |
156 | Pamelloes/reflex-wx | 0 | |
157 | dalaing/reflex-binary | 0 | |
158 | trin-cz/reflex-workshop | Run Haskell on frontend | 0 |
159 | tippenein/haskeleton-reflex | Reflex FRP specific bootstrapping | 0 |
160 | artuuge/reflex-examples | Todo list FRP implementation in Reflex. | 0 |
161 | adrianparvino/reflex-bulma | 0 | |
162 | byteally/reflex-forms | 0 | |
163 | sleexyz/reflex-calculator | 0 | |
164 | samtay/reflex-fun | Playing with Reflex | 0 |
165 | mckeankylej/opt-reflex | 0 | |
166 | daig/survive-reflex | A reflex-dom example for react programmers | 0 |
167 | MarisaKirisame/reflex-fltk | 0 | |
168 | samtay/reflex-todo | 0 | |
169 | Woody88/reflex-servant | 0 | |
170 | edwardwas/reflex-helper | Helper functions for working with reflex | 0 |
171 | alios/reflex-http | Binding client/server reflex bindings for web applications | 0 |
172 | montagy/reflex-app | reflex-ghcjs-web-app | 0 |
173 | alogic0/reflex-playground | Reflex FRP Playground | 0 |
174 | paolino/reflex-roles | 0 | |
175 | benmos/reflex-utils | Utilities for Reflex FRP | 0 |
176 | dalaing/reflex-model | 0 | |
177 | sboosali/reflex-vinyl | vinyl Records of reflex (and reflex-dom ) Events / Behavior / Dynamics. |
0 |
178 | Woody88/Reflex-Tutorial | Learning some FRP with reflex. | 0 |
179 | imalsogreg/reflex-arc | Spiking neural net experiment | 0 |
180 | jeffreyrosenbluth/Othello-Reflex | 0 | |
181 | 2426021684/reflex-app | 0 | |
182 | artuuge/reflex-arc | Setting up Reflex-DOM with ghcjs improved base. | 0 |
183 | sboosali/reflex-audio | Reflex FRP for Audio, Behaviors define audio signals | 0 |
184 | sidraval/reflex-todo | Clobbering my way through understanding Reflex | 0 |
185 | daig/hello-reflex | A simple template for reflex projects | 0 |
186 | Saulzar/reflex-examples | 0 | |
187 | Chobbes/ReflexPong | Pong in Haskell using the Reflex FRP framework. Not necessarily a game of significant reflexes. | 0 |
188 | dalaing/reflex-test | 0 | |
189 | parenthetical/reflex-minesweeper | Minesweeper in Haskell using Reflex FRP. | 0 |
190 | luigy/reflex-orphans | 0 | |
191 | MarisaKirisame/reflex-wx | 0 | |
192 | guaraqe/reflex-elm | 0 | |
193 | sleepomeno/reflex-sudoku | Simple Sudoku game implemented with reflex-dom using GHCJS | 0 |
194 | srid/Taut | This is destined to address a pain point of Slack. Work in progress. | 0 |
195 | srid/deux | Something something mind maps | 0 |
196 | elbingobonito/reflex-onepage-timer | 0 | |
197 | aidatorajiro/ReflexLab | My reflex recipes | 0 |
198 | achirkin/reflex-animated | AnimationFrame and Pointer events in the reflex framework | 0 |
199 | d0kt0r0/reflex-synth | Library for describing Web Audio sound synthesis events, to be used with Reflex-DOM | 0 |
200 | ojw/big-template | A poorly-named repository for a template stack project using servant servant servant-reflex. | 0 |
201 | jeffreyrosenbluth/reflex-zoo | frp-zoo implemented using reflex frp | 0 |
202 | rainbowbismuth/hs-turn-based-battle | A GHCJS & Reflex version of my elm & purescript turn-based-battle demo | 0 |
Inspired by awesome repo rxjs-ecosystem. Thanks Nick