LabExperio is a simulator built using Unity and C#. It's intended for university students, particularly those taking physics courses. This simulator lets students perform their physics class experiments on a computer, creating a virtual lab environment. Through this virtual lab, students can engage with and explore various physics phenomena, freeing them from the need to share outdated physical equipment and enabling a more dynamic learning experience.
The goal of the lab is to investigate the influence of a surface-active substance on the free energy per unit surface of a liquid (surface tension coefficient).
Clarification: To determine how specific system settings can affect the liquid level in the pressure gauge.
- To change the concentration of the solution, click on the glass with the desired concentration and swap it with the main glass.
- To adjust the position of the main glass, hover the mouse over it and scroll the wheel.
- To adjust the valve's opening degree, hover the mouse over it and scroll the wheel.
Tested on Unity 2022.3.4f1, .NET 6.0, Windows 11.