
Methyl Kit Input

jsandhu2 opened this issue · 0 comments


I got this error when i tried to run defiant. Input file is "Input Type 2 known for MethylKit input"

Thank You


Set 1 will be labeled "BS1"
Set 2 will be labeled "BS2"
There are 2 sets to be read
There will be 1 runs.
Run information will be in defiant_run_info.txt
Now reading file ss_BS1_L005.ATCGmap.filter.CG.txt into memory...
Chr1.1192 Chr1 1192 F 15 100.00 0.00
could not identify file type with number_of_columns = 7, integers = 2, floats = 2
failed at read_bisulfite_data.h line 205

strand is defined @ column 4.
column1_is_int = false.
column1_is_chr = true.