- 8
Usage with Ensembl GTF or converted refFlat
#11 opened by harish0201 - 6
Annotation file error - segmentation fault
#15 opened by lilypeck - 8
Finding DMR
#14 opened by MagdalenaWinklhofer - 12
Error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
#13 opened by SowmyaPulapet - 3
Can not unzip
#12 opened by marcovth - 6
Tagged release
#10 opened by npavlovikj - 2
- 0
Methyl Kit Input
#8 opened by jsandhu2 - 10
Support for CGmap inputs
#5 opened by harish0201 - 1
Clarify input format (for Bismark output)
#7 opened by bug1303 - 10
Defiant can't find dmr
#6 opened by khl0798 - 2
- 2
Chromosomes names need to start whith "chr"
#3 opened by fvnieuwe - 1
annotation files
#2 opened by jeffinrockey - 9