django-threadedcomments is a simple yet flexible threaded commenting system for Django.
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threadedcomments_tags in Python (API)?
#113 opened by yuis-ice - 1
sdist doesnt include locale
#105 opened by jayvdb - 1
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Sort on newest
#92 opened by HenryMehta - 3
New release tag? So Django 2.0 support is on PyPI
#99 opened by floer32 - 0
Occurring Reporting issue
#107 opened by sevenmentor3 - 1
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Sorting by newset
#104 opened by gameot - 1
- 2
Error following README installation for Django 2.1.2: 'Settings' object has no attribute 'SITE_ID'
#103 opened - 0
Unexpected tree when there are deleted comments
#102 opened by tisdall - 0
removed comment still shows
#97 opened by tisdall - 0
Realtime Sockets
#100 opened by kodeine - 0
Depth limit
#98 opened by birkanozer - 0
- 0
Consider using select_related()
#95 opened by eriktelepovsky - 1
Incompatible to Django 2.0
#93 opened by larsrinn - 1
Custom form
#87 opened by rodolphopivetta - 1
Сomment field in modal
#88 opened by nurzhannogerbek - 3
Cannot run the example
#86 opened by icruces - 1
update in pypi?
#91 opened by VivianSnow - 0
how well does it work
#90 opened by udemezue01 - 2
#71 opened by jimlyndon - 1
Render all comments under a comment
#77 opened by sam-ghosh - 2
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Any tutorial?
#83 opened by KhanMaytok - 2
Please need help!! can someone add a video link of how to get this: "threadedcomments" working? using django V-1.10
#82 opened by akamg - 1
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RequestContext is incorrectly delivered as request object when rendering a comment form/list in Django 1.10
#78 opened by adrysn - 2
#64 opened by Sonicmr - 0
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
#79 opened by ari3s - 2
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Same content under common parent not working
#76 opened by jaineshp - 2
Can't reply the same content with same parent id
#67 opened by chunninc - 1
RemovedInDjango19Warning (2)
#73 opened by vmarkovtsev - 1
A little fault in README and the python doc string: some unnecessary and extra `</li>` may occur.
#72 opened by njuaplusplus - 1
#58 opened by vinaychandra - 7
_mysql_exceptions.Warning: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
#65 opened by pkarp0 - 1
'super' object has no attribute 'get_query_set' : \threadedcomments_tags.py in get_query_set, line 68
#68 opened by ShinJJang - 3
Django 1.7 and 1.8 support
#62 opened by Felix-neko - 2
Using different model
#57 opened by vinaychandra - 1
south migration that will add index for textfield
#40 opened by kvbik - 3
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DatabaseError: (1170, "BLOB/TEXT column 'tree_path' used in key specification without a key length")
#48 opened by byrnenick - 4
error when do syncdb
#49 opened by andylou - 1
Tree template produces broken markup
#53 opened by Lab43 - 3
Example link is down
#52 opened by jpatel3 - 2
Problem deleting a non-root comment
#50 opened by rodrigogadea - 6
update version in pip database
#44 opened by johanneswilm - 0
Wish you can update your project on pypi
#45 opened by vitan