In this project, we explore a variation of A* which utilizes the concept of abstracting a map into clusters and precomputing information to do pathfinding. This method is called Near-Optimal Hierarchical Pathfinding (HPA*).
The idea is to separate a map into multiple levels of clusters and to precompute information on how to navigate between clusters so that we can use this information later to do pathfinding on a higher level. This method mainly addresses the issue of pathfinding in real-time. Searching for a path should be efficient and should be done often. Moreover, given that the state of a game is constantly changing, we often disregard many of the pathfinding done. By using HPA*, we divide a map into clusters and precompute information on how to travel from a cluster to another. Therefore, we can efficiently do pathfinding on a higher level at a much lower cost, reusing precomputed low level paths between clusters. Consequently, pathfinding is generally faster than a traditional A* algorithm, and disregarding unnecessary paths is less heartbreaking. However, given that we travel from cluster to cluster by predetermined boundary nodes, the resulting paths from this method can be a bit less optimal than a straightforward A*, hence the name “Near-Optimal”.
Near-Optimal Hierarchical Pathfinding was implemented on grid-based maps using arbitrarily-sized automatically generated clusters. We tested the results of our algorithm on real maps from BioWare’s commercial game Dragon Age: Origins, provided by the Moving AI lab (See credits).
Clone the repo
Download maps from Moving AI's 2d Pathfinding benchmark sets
The expected map folder structure from the repo's root is the following:
Maps/ |- map/ | |- | |- | |- ... |- scen/ | |- my_map1.scen | |- my_map2.scen | |- ...
If you download all the maps from a specific data set, extract all the .map files into Maps/map/
If you want to run the tests set as well, download the benchmark data and extract all the .scen files into Maps/scen/, and create an empty Maps/results/ folder
Launch the project in unity, load the scene "main" and run it
HPA* was introduced in this paper written by Botea, Müller, and Schaeffer.
All .map and .scen files used for testing come from Moving AI's 2d Pathfinding benchmark sets
The Priority Queue used in this project comes from BlueRaja's High Speed Priority Queue for C#. All files in folder Priority Queue comes from the repo's Priority Queue folder.