
Python bindings for `hppfcl.Contact` do not include nearest points attributes or methods

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I just loaded up the latest version of the Python bindings (version 2.4.4) and tried this out:

import hppfcl
c = hppfcl.Contact()

which yields:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Contact' object has no attribute 'getNearestPoint1'

Indeed, the nearest_points attribute and the getNearestPoint1() and getNearestPoint2() methods are not present in this class.

This is odd because the bindings do point at this:

Also, the Python example in this repo's README shows the existence of these methods.

Conversely, DistanceResult works totally fine:

d = hppfcl.DistanceResult()
array([nan, nan, nan])

Any idea what may be going on?

ah, I see! The devel branch has this, but not the master branch from which the releases seem to be cut?

Hi @sea-bass,
The plan is to release the devel branch into a new version of hpp-fcl (version 3).
We have just released Pinocchio 3, so we'll tackle hpp-fcl 3 soon!

Perfect, thanks @lmontaut -- will stay posted for these releases and upgrade when the time comes.