- 2
Doesn't find my instance in app by IP
#183 opened by aarmn - 4
Targeted Android Versions
#189 opened by ArchBlood - 6
Tracking app users?
#182 opened by samuk - 3
- 4
Sometimes new connect necessary
#193 opened by JK742020 - 0
Upgrade flutter_inappwebview to v6.0.0
#191 opened by PrimozRatej - 2
Add Warning Dialog when HumHub doesn't support push
#188 opened by luke- - 16
- 8
Basic Keyboard Functions Missing
#186 opened by ArchBlood - 0
Missing text selection handles
#187 opened by marc-farre - 1
Scrolling not capturing touch
#185 opened by dvn0 - 9
Workaround zoom into picture not available on app
#184 opened by JK742020 - 10
App crashes at first start
#165 opened by marc-farre - 0
- 2
- 3
When opening the app from a notification, a loading animation should replace the black screen
#175 opened by marc-farre - 4
Bypass the form URL when the app is opened from a clicked link or a push notification
#145 opened by marc-farre - 8
Blank screen when switching apps on Android 14
#173 opened by wtbk - 0
Rename distribution profile
#171 opened by PrimozRatej - 2
FR Translations
#168 opened by luke- - 22
Humhub instances in a sub-folder are not reconized
#119 opened by marc-farre - 0
SDK Version update
#159 opened by luke- - 0
- 2
When switching app and returning on Humhub app, sometimes the page is black
#148 opened by marc-farre - 0
Disable Spelling Correction on Opener URL field
#156 opened by luke- - 9
"You humhub installation does not exist"
#155 opened by havellab - 12
- 0
F-Droid Store Deployment
#132 opened by luke- - 5
Black Screen: After Installation
#134 opened by JK742020 - 0
IOS: In app detection (header) not present
#151 opened by luke- - 1
IOS: App Uninstall doesn't delete app data
#152 opened by luke- - 2
iOS: Cannot go back to opener
#142 opened by luke- - 1
URL form: move the "Connect" button upper and submit on "Enter" key pressed
#146 opened by marc-farre - 6
Prevent page refresh when swiping down
#147 opened by marc-farre - 0
Support for both pretty and non-pretty URLs.
#143 opened by PrimozRatej - 0
- 1
- 0
Android - Need Help - Swipe not working
#129 opened by luke- - 0
Android - External Links not functional
#128 opened by luke- - 1
Disable horizontal mode for Opener & Help
#125 opened by luke- - 3
- 1
Instance in subfolder – no connection possible
#126 opened by smashm - 7
Notification Count 131
#121 opened by felixhahnweilheim - 2
No https
#120 opened by CyberPingU - 7
Grey Screen after opening an instance
#117 opened by felixhahnweilheim - 11
Delete/Reset Push Token on Logout
#102 opened by luke- - 4
- 3
IPA Release fail
#110 opened by luke- - 18
Crash on first sign up
#104 opened by marc-farre - 1